For 4 months I was I and out of hospital, mostly in hospital. I had drainage due to surgeries and on very strong antibiotics. My question is I am not able to eat much since all this happened. Food has no taste and texture really annoying. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Eating After Surgeries and long term hospital sty - My Ovacome
Eating After Surgeries and long term hospital sty

Hi. I've experienced similar before, after a very long surgery and couldn't eat for a few days. I found ice cold Lucozade was tolerable and the fizz was nice. I also had a couple of calippo ice lollies. The cold seemed to wake everything up a bit. My first few meals were very small but I mixed the textures so even if I didn't taste much there was some interest (which eventually got my appetite going). I had chicken stir fry with crushed peanuts for crunch. I also had boiled egg and soldiers several times. Filling without actually eating much! Hope that helps x
This site is actually for Ovarian Cancer but I suppose side effects of surgeries can be similar. I think speak to your team about getting the Ensure drinks at least that way you get some nutrition into you. You have to start to eat so try little meals first rather than huge ones. In fact ice pops are a good idea too, crackers marmite, Bovril and then go on to mash etc building up gradually.

Thank you for reply, there was not another group to tag, however I found some info in this group and wanted to join.
I have loads of food advice because I had trouble finding anything to eat for 6 months during my cancer treatment. Everything smelled and tasted awful.
I wracked my brain everyday for goodies my daughter could find for me. Here are some that worked for a few days each.
Oven fries! Those skinny kind from Sainsbury’s, Cheerios and whole milk, rice crispies!
Cream Cheese on toast.
Cheese and tomato sandwiches!
Scrambled eggs and tomatoes,
Creamy mashed potatoes.
Later I could it boiled eggs (not fried/ all oils tasted dreadful, even butter).
Boiled veggie hotdogs!
Nairn’s chocolate biscuits or ginger biscuits.
I coukdn’t Drink tea or coffee.
Try pear or peach nectar.
And the lovely staple of ice cold chocolate fortisip!
Good luck,