Well ladies back on the chemo cycle today after 3 1/2 years clear. Carbo and Caelylx, feeling nervous but positive to kick its arse again. Any advice for the Caelyx would be appreciated. Love to you all xx
Back to Chemo! : Well ladies back on the chemo... - My Ovacome
Back to Chemo!

Hi Samjane, haven’t been on Caelyx but I’ve seen lots of posts on here about it. I just wanted to wish you well 🌷🌸🌺
Can’t help on the specific chemo but wanted to wish you well for it - remember to be kind to yourself and to do what your body is telling you not your head - I remember how good it felt to finally give myself permission to have a few days in bed during my final cycles xx
No advice I am afraid but just wanted to wish you all the very best xx
Hi, I'm on Caelyx for second line recurred 3 months after first, can't have carbo as platinum resistant so just Caelyx, I've only had two of six so far and on day 10 feeling very tired and sitting in bed writing this, I think it's more of a slow release and seems to stay in you for a bit longer but I did get two not bad weeks on my first one although I was weak due to not eating following a bowel obstruction.
One thing you can get red itchy skin which if severe can blister, my nurse said don't get too hot and make sure you moisturise well she told me to use cows udder cream which you can get on line and it is for cows udders but developed for humans, it's very good and I've touch wood had no problems. Also not to eat or drink things too hot as it can cause ulcers.
Don't know if it will get worse as I have more but fingers crossed it won't.
Good luck Fiona x
Best of luck with the treatment. Don’t forget to use the search facility as lots of posts on Caelyx as plenty of threads on this for more information.
Regards Fay
Hi, I had carbo/caelyx for 2nd line and tolerated it very well managing to work in between. I was lucky and did not suffer from mouth sores but the only think I could drink was sparkling water as everything else tasted awful. My hands used to get very red and I couldn’t hold hot cups - if I went to costa or something I had to ask for 3 cups so that I could hold it! For my skin I would bath in Epsom salts and coconut oil.
Good luck
Good luck, Samjane. Hope the chemo is kind to you whilst doing the job it is supposed to. Vicki x
Hi Samjane, sorry to hear you are back on chemo but you have had a good long remission so you should hopefully respond well to more platinum chemo. As I said to Chryssy above, carbo/caelyx (which I had for 3rd line) had the least side effects and was the most effective combination for me. I didn't get the sore hands and feet that I was expecting and had quite good energy throughout. Fingers crossed the same applies to you. Sending hugs. X
Hi, thank you for messaging. Hopefully oncologist said same about responding well. Just bit tired and queasy this morning but think it’s just all been bit much yesterday. Going to work half day to keep me occupied! That’s good you had least side effects everyone is different but hoping I can carry on better than 1st line! That was horrid.
Thank you xx
Hi Samjane--I had the mixture--carbo/caelyx and lathered in cream on hands and feet nightly, which worked. Slight hair thinning (not much at all) but who knows if that was the Caelyx (or carbo). Except for a few days post treatment, I felt more normal and absolutely fine the rest of the time. Wishing you a much easier time that your first treatment!
oxox Judy
Good luck with this one, Samjane. Sending strength and hugs. No experience here with Caelyx though. Maus
Hi Samjane. Just wondering how you are feeling. It's day 4 after c/c for me and started well but yesterday I was sick all day. Today sickness gone but neuropathy coming back. It had completely gone after one dose of taxol last August put me in hospital with paralysis. Taxotere in September put me in hospital with 24/7 sickness. Now this combo. Hoping it doesn't get worse as off on holiday on Friday. Also feel weird and sleep a lot.
How are your symptoms? We are on the same regime and times but I only got a couple of months stable. You were so lucky to get years. Wishing you well. Xxx
Hi, not too bad compared to last chemo regime 4 years ago. Just the awful taste in mouth and furry tongue, bit of nausea. Aw bless ya my feet and hands haven’t started yet but I do have that from carbo/taxol last time. Yeh I feel bit weird but can’t explain...
Yeah - it's a really weird feeling, like I'm spaced out and not a drop of alcohol has passed my lips, unfortunately. I've got up this eve and feel a bit better for it. 29 degrees outside but have to stay out of it apparently. Hubby just made me a baked potato as that's all I fancy. Losing weight rapidly again though. 3kg gone since Friday. Still, I'll make up for it on our hols in UK. First stop after the flight lands the fish and chip shop!!! Can we keep in touch and compare? It would really help me. Thank you. xxxx