Hi everyone,
Just want to share a website resource that I found online about grief and how to support oneself or others through it. It's by a lady named Doña Bumgarner. I haven't listened to all her podcasts so I'm not sure of the quality of the rest of her material but in her first podcast she makes a good point that in our culture today, specifically in our western society, we don't like to speak of grief and often times try to fast forward through those emotions. It appears that she offers ways to feel, to cope, nurture and experience grief and loss.
This can be useful for anyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one, or loss of any kind including loss of a lifestyle, your old self, divorce, etc. If you're interested I've posted 2 links below. The introduction on grief is the second link. Again just wanted to share.
Stay well everyone and take good care.
homepage: nurturinghabit.com/
*Grief Podcast 1: nurturinghabit.com/episode1/