As anyone of you ladies had a swollen tummy after debulking. Though I had my operation in 2015 one side of my tummy is swollen and feels quite hard sometimes. Not in any pain but was wondering if this is normal. .
Swollen tummy.: As anyone of you ladies had a... - My Ovacome
Swollen tummy.

I would talk to your cancer nurse. Could you possibly have a hernia? One side of my tummy gets very swollen and this is an incisional hernia. Probably worth checking.
My tummy isn’t swollen, but it is lob-sided. One side is bigger than the other 😳 If you are worried, definitely give your CNS a quick call, or mention it at your next review meeting. Xx
Did they say why it was like that , mine is bigger than the other side so it sounds the same as yours . Xx
I’ve never asked, to be honest! I just thought it was one of those things. It doesn’t bother me too much - it’s what’s going on inside that gives me trouble!!
I am slightly lop-sided, and I DID ask - apparently it's normal and "likely to stay that way". My clothes still fit - it's soft and compressable. Now that the weather has warmed up and I'm more active, I want to see if it will subside - on both sides. I definitely have some additional viseral fat since the op.
Mine never went down and I have an a rather large indentation from inside stitches being pulled too tight. Gaining 2 stone didn't help either, ( now lost a stone) I've just accepted my body will never be the same again! No more bikini 👙 for me 😞
HI Julliete, I would certainly get it checked out. But I had a problem with a lopsided tummy and part of it gets hard , it was and is an hernia. Doing nothing with it at the momen.Love Chris
My scar and tummy will never be the same lucky for me I was never the bikini type anyhow, I wear camisole tops to hide the scar still after all these years. Some registrar commented at Christmas that the scar was brilliant. Yet a few years ago, while have arthoscopy on my shoulder the surgeon asked the nurse to ask me who did my surgery because it was appalling to look at. I feel I am divided in four to be honest. But try not to let it upset my life.
My tummy is lopsided, the right side of my scar is bigger than the left, my tumour was on my left ovary. The right side is much firmer than the left but it doesn’t cause any issues. My doctors think my scar is really good, I think it’s bloomin awful but the surgery that put it there literally saved my life so I’m mentally at peace with it. If you’re at all worried speak to your nurses and doctor. ❤️Xx Jane
I had a swollen, hard belly. It was malignant ascites. Chemo got rid of it. It was abdominal fluid. I had to have it drained 3 times. I hope that's not what you have!
That sounds like a hernia to me. I had stoma surgery in 2015. June 2016 we went to a party and I noticed my dress was tight on one side. It turned out to be a hernia. Started off small now it’s huge. So I’d see the GP and get a support belt.
LA xx
I never stop going on about how swollen my tummy is. It doesn't make it easy to buy clothes when you look six months pregnant when you're in your late 60's. I'm slim otherwise. xx
Hi. Have you been in lymphodema clinic? Its worth checking it. Good luck.
Are you under treatment now? I would discuss this with your oncologist