Hello all
As there have been quite a few new members to the forum in recent weeks we thought we would take this opportunity to welcome them to the forum and to update you on a few things.
So firstly, welcome to our new members! We hope you find the forum a safe and supportive space to discuss things. if you have any queries about the forum do message us. Please take a moment to read the pinned posts on the right hand side of the page which includes our guidelines for use of the forum.
The My Ovacome forum is run by Ovacome ovarian cancer charity. We are a UK-based charity and we have been supporting people affected by ovarian cancer for 21 years. Our support service is available Monday-Friday 10am-5pm for any questions or concerns you may have. The support line number is 0800 008 7054 or email support@ovacome.org.uk. If Anna, our Support Service Manager, isn't available please leave a message and she will come back to you.
If you are a member of the forum but not a member of Ovacome charity and would like to be, it is free and you will receive a membership pack, our newsletter 3 times a year and an invite to our Member's Day which includes latest clinical updates, as well as an opportunity to meet other members. You can become a member by filling out the form on our website at the following link: ovacome.org.uk/support/spea...
From the picture you'll see our latest newsletter is out now and for those of you on the mailing list you should be receiving it soon, if you haven't already. (We are unable to send paper newsletters to overseas members but please let us know if you would like to be on our e-zine emailing list). It is also available as a PDF on our website at the following link (along with back copies of previous newsletters): ovacome.org.uk/news/ovacome...
Finally, just to let you know that our Christmas cards are now on sale and can be ordered from our website at the following link: ovacomeshop.org.uk/ovacomeshop
Thank you to all our forum members who help make My Ovacome such a valued space for anyone affected by ovarian cancer.
Best wishes
The Ovacome Team