Please help intense pain : A few months ago I... - My Ovacome

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Please help intense pain

Evej profile image
11 Replies

A few months ago I had intense abdominal pain whilst I was on my period, it woke me in the middle of the night ,it was borderline unbearable . It was hard to pin point the pain as it was all over my left side and came round onto the back.

I managed to get to the doctors who thought it could be my kidneys and sent me to hospital for scans , they gave me Codine and told me to come back for my scan. Anyway then pain happened again on my next period.

Long story short ultra sound showed a "shadow" on my kidney.

Then the ct scan came back clear.

No stones, no tumours no cysts and also scanned my ovaries which again came up clear.

I had this pain again just as intense last month but luckily had come codine left over to manage it.

I'm dreading my next period because I know I'll be in pain and I can't bare the thought of living like this and I don't know what the next step is or can find anyone going through something similar.

Technally there is "nothing wrong" with me.

On top of this intense pain I have had stronger period cramp pain. The intense pain is always on my left side.

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Evej profile image
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11 Replies
Purple-iris profile image

Hi Evej

So glad your scans have come back clear . Did they also offer you a CA125 blood test ? If you are in so much pain I would definitely go back to the dr. Have you been referred to a gynaecologist? Have little experience of this myself apart from my daughter who had very painful periods ( now ok and has since been diagnosed with polycystic ovaries ( but assume this would have shown up on your scan ) . Her friend had such painful periods she used to pass out and they ended up putting her on a contraceptive pill to control . Please go back to your dr and get a second opinion if needed . Awful thing to say but my daughters problems only got sorted once she saw a women gp who understood what she had been going through 😩

Sending a big hug and hope you get some answers . There may be a more general gynea site that is worth you posting on for more advice. Love and best wishes Kim x

Evej profile image
Evej in reply to Purple-iris

They have done blood tests so I assume so. You have no idea how much I apricate a response it means a lot to me. I'm going to see my gp and try to get some answers , I think they focused mainly on my kidney but after getting the pain every month it's clear it must be period related. I'm currently on the pill and have been for years, I will ask the dr maybe a change in pill might help .

Thank you so much oxox

Kryssy profile image

Hi Eve. Obviously you must continue to bang on you GPS door. Have you had a baby in the last year? If yes, I'll relay my story after my fourth. If not then keep banging on that door darling.

Kryssy x

Evej profile image
Evej in reply to Kryssy

Hello , nope no kids and they did about 8 pregnancy tests as well over about a week, so all clear on that frount. I'm so happy for you to message, I only found this website this morning and I had no idea if anyone would even see my message, I've been suffering with really bad anxiety today as I know I'm due on soon and I can't bare the thought of being in pain again. Any response makes me feel so much better thank you so much oxox

Kryssy profile image
Kryssy in reply to Evej

Morning Eve,

It is a pleasure to meet and chat with you. I'm new here too and feel I have joined a wonderful sisterhood. There is so much knowledge and great advice amongst this community and so much laughter too. It's my fix for the day.

Depending on how well you get on with your GP, you may drop into the conversation about having an Endoscopy. It was the only way my problem was finally found many years ago and then it was sorted. Nothing sinister but nothing that showed up on scans etc. Worth a go.

You take care and I'll "follow" you to see how you get on. Fingers and toes crossed that you'll be sorted out very soon. Don't give up being a nuisance at the GPs though. They are there to help us. It's not for us to make their life easier. Go girl !!

Kryssy xxx

TinaB1 profile image

Hi Eve ... I did suffer with intense period pains from the age of 13. You appear to have the pain at the time of your period and your symptoms are sudden onset. I know my periods had a dramatic effect on my life which is hard to explain to other people who have manageable discomfort. The nearest I came to equalling my period pain, was when I had cholecystitis and had my gallbladder out when it threatened to burst.

Whatever is going on, there seems to not be other symptoms of Ovarian and you have had a scan which has come back clear.

I don't think anyone here would say you haven't got Ovarian but there's no real sign you have. On average, a GP sees an Ovarian patient once every 5 years. My first thoughts were endometriosis, fibroids, or adenomyosis but it could be a number of things. The CA125 test is an inflammatory marker and is an unreliable test for Ovarian.

I would see my GP and say how distressed you are and how it's impinging on your quality of life.

Wishing you well.


Evej profile image
Evej in reply to TinaB1

Thank you sue, I'm so happy you took the time to write back. I think I assumed with the scans being clear that the pain would magically stop. I'm going to see me gp on Monday and hopefully start to get myself sorted which might be a long road but hopefully I can get some painkillers to help and make it a little less terrible. It is effecting me in life because I'm a makeup artist and I had the pain at 2am and I had to be up at 6am to go to a bride on her wedding day, and I couldn't physically leave someone on their wedding morning I would have to go, and I fear I'll become unrealable. Luckily that day I had left over codine from the hospital and managed to make it through the day.


Marieloiuse profile image

Hi Eve,

No one in this day and age should have to suffer that kind of pain every month. I'm pleased for you that nothing strange has been found but endometriosis sprung to my mind. A friend started to suffer with debilitating pain when she had her period and her contraceptive pill was changed which made a difference.

You must keep looking for answers as hard as that might be. It's your body and your life. Imagine a guy having to endure this??!!!

Wishing you all the very best.

Catherine x

Evej profile image
Evej in reply to Marieloiuse

Everyone is so supportive on here and it really makes me feel better reading people's reponces . I am going to ask the doctor see if there is any tests they can do, because I don't think it would turn up on a ct scan. Thank you so much Catherine xxx

CJR99 profile image

Dear Eve,

I'm so sorry to hear you've been in so much pain,especially around your period.I can completely sympathise and especially with the kidney pain also.

Please keep on pressing your GP for support. I went to the doctor's for many years with symptoms as so many women do.It sounds very much like there's a possibility of endometriosis but,forgive me it's not my place to diagnose but,you are not alone so please don't be scared there are many people to support you.

There's a forum on HealthUnlocked for Endometriosis UK with many lovely ladies sharing their tales.

Wishing you all the best Clare

Evej profile image

Thank you for your message, I'm starting to think along those lines too, I will mention it to the doctor and see what they say, doesn't do any harm to rule it out. I know it sounds silly I was glad my results were clear however I afterwards if felt a bit in limbo, I just neee a solution. Brillent I will have a look, I'm new to this website so still trying to figure out how everything works. I apricate your time to respond so much ♥️♥️♥️

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