Should I see my doctor? - (I hope it is ok to a... - My Ovacome

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Should I see my doctor? - (I hope it is ok to ask this here)

Bodley profile image
10 Replies

Hi everyone, I hope it is ok to ask about symptoms and worries on this forum. (if not let me know and I will remove it)

I am 20 years old and am concerned about ovarian cancer because I was educated on the symptoms a few years ago and now I have noticed a few.

I have always had terrible constipation and stomach issues put down to ibs, my constipation has however increased over the last couple of weeks and is no longer being managed very well by my medication. Most significantly over the past week my stomach has blown up and up so that I look pregnant. I have experienced bloating before but this is something else; if I have swollen this big before it has always been a food reaction and has gone down in a few hours/ over night, this has been present for almost a week now. Also within the last week I have been needing to pee a ridiculous amount; it was about every hour one day! I am also feeling tired and groggy and have a much smaller appetite than usual. A small amount of food (e.g. a bowl of soup or slice of bread or banana) makes me feel like i'm going to burst and I feel like the food is sort of stacked up right to the back of my throat.

The reason why I am unsure whether to see my doctor is because I have no significant pain. There is certainly abdominal discomfort and there are a few twinges around stomach, groin and back but nothing that isn't manageable or requires painkillers. I am going away for four weeks on a work programme on Monday, before then I can only get a private appointment (£80), going on this programme (which involves a lot of activity) is a horrible prospect with this huge uncomfortable stomach but i don't know whether the private doctor will even be able to do or say anything useful before I have to go.

I'm a bit confused and don't know whether I've misunderstood the symptoms at all... I know I'm young and it's unlikely but I can't stop thinking about how it's best to catch it early.

Should I go to this doctor tomorrow?

(Thank you so much for reading!)

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Bodley profile image
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10 Replies
LesleyGreengran profile image

There are lots of things that can cause those symptoms but I'd want to see a doctor before going away. I have a friend who had similar symptoms and it was ovarian cysts, also years ago at school a friend had them (both fine now) but there's so much going on in the abdomen it could be one of several other things. I think they'll need blood tests and scans before diagnosing anyway.

Katmal-UK profile image

Hi Given your age hopefully it's something that can be diagnosed and easily treated but having said that I would definitely want to get it checked out and before you go away, you wont want to be ill whilst you are away plus it'll hopefully put your mind at rest. xx

OvacomeSupport profile image
OvacomeSupportPartnerMy Ovacome Team

Dear Bodley

As LesleyGreengran and Katmal have said, the symptoms are not necessarily ovarian cancer, especially given your age, but it is advisable to go to see your GP and find out what the cause is.

The symptoms you're experiencing are having an impact, and feeling uncomfortably bloated, tired and groggy, and not wanting to eat are all valid reasons to go and see the GP. You don't need to be in pain before needing a consultation.

Hopefully the GP will be able to help in time for you to enjoy your four weeks away on the work programme.

Do give me a ring on 0800 008 7054 if you want to have a chat about this.

Best wishes


Support Service Manager

Spencer2016 profile image

Bodley- always better to get checked and rule things out. Be sure to have a CA125 blood test and scan. Many Drs are quick to dismiss symptoms until its too late. As the ladies said, hopefully nothing serious. Best of luck to you.


Cropcrop profile image

Hi lovely, you are very young and there could be many reasons for your symptoms. For your own peace of mind go see your doctor as you need some answers, do let us know how you get on, take care ❤️Xx Jane

Hi Love, you have come to a site that is more then happy to help , as all the ladies have said do go to your GP now and make sure you are totally checked over ask about the 125 blood test and scan if you are worried about ovarian cancer, again as the other ladies and OvacomeSupport have posted there are a lot of things that can cause those symptoms.

I hope you have someone you can take with you as support best wishes ..Lorraine💙💙

Anna_girl22 profile image

Hey! There is only one answer, yes! Seeing your doctor will 1. Give you peace of mind and 2. If there is anything, you will be into it early!

I'd defs see someone in the next month or earlier! You're health is important! Try calling around any public GPs. Ask them to check your stomach, and a ultra sound. It's so normal for girls to have cysts, mine was unforgivably borderline, but that's not bad either! I just had it taken out and I'm now working closely with a gyno to keep it safe!

Remember a lot of those symptoms could be anything, but a Dr can help settle that usually! Most of the time it's maybe your period or even a cyst that's just benign but always good anyway to have a checkup! :)

airfemale profile image

Go to the doctor and not waste time on this forum we are happy to help you but a professional can help you so much faster and put your mind at rest. You could have any number of things from cystitis, kidney infections all needing antibiotics. Have you any possibility of pregnancy. Ok please don't be offended but all things are a possibility. Hopefully I haven't spoken too straight for you but go and get yourself checked out.

Mrs_Atko profile image

Hi hun, you've already been given some good advice, and I can only chime in and say a resounding YES, go to your GP and request at the very least, an ultrasound scan and CA125 test. If only to give you peace of mind. Keep us posted as to how you get on and in the meantime, try not to worry too much (easier said than done we all know) wishes, Jemima xx

thesilent1 profile image

I think I'd spend the £80 and get checked out. Bloated tummy (present for about 12 days out of 3 weeks) needing to pee more, feeling full quickly and abdominal pain are all symptoms. You know what your IBS feels like and you don't feel it is that, you know what your bloating g is normally like and say this is not the same. Get checked out. All the best. Ann xx

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