Vegan : Good morning all, I heard a podcast by Dr... - My Ovacome

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27-359 profile image
26 Replies

Good morning all,

I heard a podcast by Dr John Kelly the other day, and so liked the sound of him that I downloaded his book on Kindle. He is convinced by his experience in general practice (in Ireland) that adopting a vegan diet can stop cancer in its tracks. Although I am a vegetarian, I have always eaten a lot of dairy which I know has been studied in the past for links with OC.

Now obviously I am quite skeptical about any dietary claims as it goes against everything the professionals tell us, but I would be interested to know if anyone has themselves changed to a vegan diet, or are there any ladies who have been vegan for some years and then gone on to develop OC?

Hoping you all her an enjoyable bank holiday


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27-359 profile image
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26 Replies
LesleyGreengran profile image

I was veggie when I was diagnosed and had been for about 30 years but I do eat dairy.

27-359 profile image
27-359 in reply to LesleyGreengran

Hi, yes I have been veggie for about 30 years too but ate loads of cheese and yogurt! I think I might go vegan for 3 months and see what happens.John Kelly's book contains case studies and he is very likeable author. It has given me pause for thought and I feel I have nothing to lose.

Lily-Anne profile image

I'm not sure I agree with that. There is overwhelming evidence to support the fact that vegans are more prone to cancer followed by regular red meat eaters and the least likely are vegetarians. I researched it in depth for an article. So I'd be careful

LA xx

andyswarbs profile image
andyswarbs in reply to Lily-Anne

Lily-Anne, I would be interested in the research you are alluding to. I found one which found no risk for women, but some for men. Of course this research is just a lung cancer risk. So by, say not smoking, one can also reduce ones risk very significantly.

27-359 profile image

Hi. Yes I would be wary and would be interested in reading the study you refer to.That's why it would be interesting to hear from any vegans on this site. John Kelly says that after 3 months you can see cancer growths becoming smaller and I reckon trying anything for 3 months is doable.


Chieftart profile image
Chieftart in reply to 27-359

Jenny I listened to this doctor being interviewed by Chris Wark (of Chris Beat Cancer) and was most impressed by his almost surprised opinion that a vegan diet can work. He doesn't have a drum to bang - he was just telling it like it is, or how he has discovered that for some people this has put their cancer into remission for many years. This sends a very positive message to all of us to give it all we've got. Good work! Debs

keeponkeepingon profile image

Semi veggie for 30 years,eat fish and diary,interesing subject, my daughter who is a vegetarian has given up dairy since my diagnosis,its hard to know what to do for the best.

bibs73 profile image

Hi Jenny I adopted a blant based diet when I was first diagnosed. I still follow it on the whole, I don't class myself as vegan. I eat occasional meat, chicken or fish but I do not eat dairy. The first book I read was Jane Plants your life in your hands. In that she talks of the links between dairy and hormone cancers. I have low grade serous which is oestrogen positive so hormone driven therefore I believe cutting out dairy is important.

I don't eat processed foods and I think that's important you can be vegan and still have a very poor diet. Lots of nutrients in whole foods is what I aim for.

This week last year I finished my chemo and I've never felt better. Healthy diet, exercise and some supplements. Hopefully it lasts for a while.

Good luck.


Babbey profile image
Babbey in reply to bibs73

Hi Michelle

Not sure if you'd be interested in connecting with me. Just got diagnosed also as low grade serous, stage 3c. Be great to chat, very interested in your ideas on the non diary root As before all this much of my diet was diary based.

bibs73 profile image
bibs73 in reply to Babbey

Send me a message happy to chat. There's a few low graders on here. Great support network.

Also there is a American site called Inspire then a sub group called OCRFA ovarian cancer. Within the group there is a place especially for low grade that you can search. Good source of information but can also be overwhelming.

Getting a diagnosis like this is very stressful but there's lots of support just ask


27-359 profile image
27-359 in reply to bibs73

Hi Michelle. I have read Jane Plant'a book and gave up dairy but have since slipped a bit and have been eating cheese and butter! I think I wiil strengthen my resolve and give the vegan route a go. I know enough about nutrition to give myself adequate nutrition


Lyndy profile image

Hi Jenny

It's a tricky one I think-if you feel you want to try it I would suggest trying to get an appointment with the dietician at your hospital. I didn't know about this until my Macmillan centre pointed out this service. Now they may not agree about the benefits but they will be able to help you find a way to do it without harming yourself ( my daughter was vegan for a while and ended up severely anemic).

There's lots of scepticism out there because unfortunately there are lots of charlatans trying to sell sick people miracle cures- sad but true.

However I think we all need to feel we are doing something as a way of staying in I am more sympathetic than I used to be about diets and supplements xx L

27-359 profile image

Hi Lyndy, i understand where you are coming from, but having been veggie for 30 years and never had chemo delayed due to low bloods, i think it am pretty au fait with getting enough iron. I know what the medical team will say, so i probably won't tell them! I kept it to myself when i fasted throughout chemo for 5 days. I got through with minimal side effects and managed to keep my weight fairly stable.


bibs73 profile image
bibs73 in reply to 27-359

I also fasted and was exactly the same as you. Very little side effects. Now I only eat in a smaller window so I've 16 hours without eating but I keep meaning to do a few day fast but I've never gotten round to it.

Wish you all the best x

maz54 profile image

Hi ladies and yes diet is such a guilt ridden point with cancer isn't it! ?!

When I was first diagnosed 3 years ago I researched exhaustively into diet changes etc - have always eaten relatively healthily but always enjoyed a bit of chocolate and a glass of wine!

I made several changes ie cut right down on the sweet stuff; upped intake of fish and organic vegetables but have still recurred every 6-8 months and am currently in 4th line treatment.

So where am I now diet wise? Still eat healthily with a little bit of chocolate if I fancy it! Have the odd glass of wine but rare these days. Have a nutribullitt every day of raw broccoli and fruits but that's purely to try and keep my bloods up whilst in treatment. Have some dairy to maintain bone health.

I think some things work for some as in all things.

Love Maz xxx

Chieftart profile image
Chieftart in reply to maz54

Maz Keep on doing what you're doing! We need some control over our bodies - it stops us feeling like victims, a word I hate. I wish you good health 🙏

27-359 profile image

Hi Maz. Personally, I think it is important to me to be doing SOMETHING. I like to feel that I am taking a bit of responsibility for my body, rather than simply handing it over to the onc team and the cancer cells to wrangle over!


Chieftart profile image
Chieftart in reply to 27-359

Could not agree more Jenny! All the research I have seen regarding putting cancer into remission points to a plant based diet and belief in yourself that you can help your body repair itself. My onc (and most of the medical profession) won't entertain the idea of anything other than toxic chemo to blast cancer cells together with healthy ones. Nothing else has been proven so they must hang on to this, even though they know that for most people it won't provide a successful outcome. I just have this bloody minded idea that if I give my body as much help as it needs through diet, exercise, meditation and yoga it will do it's best to be well again. I don't have any answers, but through experience I have found the mind and gut instinct to be a very powerful tool for me and I'm hanging my hat on that! I wish you good health 🙏

27-359 profile image
27-359 in reply to Chieftart

Thanks Chieftart

, My way of looking at it is that if I do go down, I am going down fighting! Nobody is going to say that I didn't try!

Chieftart profile image
Chieftart in reply to 27-359

Too right!! Here's to strong minded women - and that is all of us! Sending light and love and strength to put everything you have into beating this. Debs x

MurielTheActor profile image

Dear dear ladies- my thinking on this is that it has taken a lifetime to develop the conditions for our cancers to form/grow and it doesn't seem feasible that a few weeks of diet change can reverse that.

Of course we all do whatever we can to feel like we have some control over our illness/treatment and we must do all we can to maintain that.

My feeling is that diet change supports our healing, helps us get and feel better but you're right maz54, the food/guilt thing is deep rooted.

Hi Jenny

I think there's no harm in cleaning up in the area of diet. There is plenty of evidence and it makes sense that good nutrition will support the immune system.

The recommendations I've been given by various integrative/alternative doctors is that red meat/dairy even if organic carry too many oestrogens to be part of a cancer diet. I was advised if you are eating animal products restrict to fish, chicken and egg ocassionally. Some doctors recommend no animal produce at the beginning.

The possible problem with a vegan diet is consuming enough protein - this is something I learned just recently. My protein levels (even though I do not eat a vegan diet, but have occasional fish, chicken etc) are not high enough - I've started paying more attention to this and having protein shakes (nut milk with hemp protein - chia seeds and a little berry fruit for sweetness - they recommend stevia but I don't like the taste!!). My bowel function has really improved and is much more comfortable than it was 2 weeks ago!

I have also been advised that fasting cancer is not a good idea - the body is internally stressed and fasting can increase that stress level. This was a surprise to me as I'd seen some articles about fasting helping certain cancers although nothing about ovarian.

There is a lot of conflicting advice about diet, and I think it's important to choose what feels best for you, and then not to stress about it and remember that diet is just a small part of the overall picture.

Whichever way you choose to eat, I wish you healing.


27-359 profile image
27-359 in reply to

Thanks Victoria

I think you are right. We all have to find our own way through the minefield that is ovarian cancer.If we are true to ourselves we are making the right decisions for us, .(I will also feel free to revise my decisions if need be!}


I switched to vegan after my diagnosis last year but not on the advise of my oncologist. I started with the Budwig diet/supplements and now am reading a book by Dr. Nasha Winters "The Metabolic Approach to Cancer" on what more can be done. I believe she has lived with stage 4 for 20+ years and never did chemo/radiation. It is not just diet but a total health protocol that is needed that varies for each of us facing this challenge. Radical Remission is another good book on the subject by Kelly Turner. May your healing journey result in a cure for you.

Chieftart profile image
Chieftart in reply to

Hi - on your recommendation I downloaded Radical Remission to my kindle and have been buoyed up by the stories and suggestions. Everything makes sense to me regarding natural recovery, even though it's very hard to keep on believing sometimes. So with a strong heart, belief in myself and a following wind - I'm on this journey.....I wish you and everyone good health 🙏

27-359 profile image

I have read Radical Remission, but not the book by Natasha Winters. I will take a look at it. Thanks for the recommendation.


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