It's been a while since I originally posted and my mum had been diagnosed. She had her 3rd Chemo today and has her MRI booked for in a week to see how effective it has been.
It's been a bumpy road. After first Chemo she was violently ill. Thankfully I was there to help her and dad. Then 10 days later she got an infection and spent 6 days in hospital which delayed Chemo 2 by a week. She was also told she has secondary cancer on her spine and ribs and was sent for an MRI to check her liver as they had concern it had also been effected. Chemo 2 was a lower does an she seemed to get by with fatigue. She was pleased to be infection free and then she work with a swollen leg and groin pain and has a thrombosis in her left leg. She's on daily injections of chemo comparable blood thinners and has had to increase pain relief considerably. Thank fully it didn't stop Chemo 3 today.
I live 2 hours away and teach. I have been going most weekends and was able to be there for last 2 Chemo and care so feel pretty bad today that I'm home and working. I can't go really the next 3 weekends as I have commitments with school (I teach) to take student on Duke of Edinburgh expeditions and I'm the only qualified teacher so must go.
You guys alway chat about you CA 125 results and I finally got mums. 644 in Feb and 275 today prior to Chemo 3.
Anyway I'm rambling. I guess I would like some words of wisdom.