Hello my name is Christina, and I am new here. This year I am to be signed off from twice yearly visits to my local hospital, which all kicked of in 2011. This was my secondary cancer shock as in 2000 I was diagnosed with breast cancer, which luckily was in a very early stage. I must admit the last lot has knocked my confidence a bit, and found it difficult to get back to full health. I am retired from work at the moment, but would like to find something else, apart from housework and my garden, which is now starting to call me, perhaps I will do an online course.
A new girl.: Hello my name is Christina, and I am... - My Ovacome
A new girl.

Hello! Welcome to our community. Well done on reaching the 5 year mark - amazing news!
Christina, I hope to still be alive and enjoying life in five years. Go forth and learn new things, love your family and friends and spread hope to others with your story of survival. Enjoy your gift of life!
Best wishes Christina at reaching the stage of being signed off. An on-line course sounds just the thing. It's good to have physical things to occupy us but the mental stimulation of learning something new is great for the body and for the soul.
All the best!
What a story of survival you are! What about sharing that and bringing light to so many who are stil in the dark?
Well done!
Thank you so much for sharing your success. I am so pleased for you and it gives encouragement to all of us. I met a friend who was receiving treatment for breast cancer and we are setting up a cafe/ meeting place for people with illnesses. I just hope I am well enough to participate!
Meet people near you who have had oc,if you post on here,ladies will reply.Go for walks now summer is coming and yes,maybe learn something you have a passion for.
But, well done mostly for such a long remission! You need to find a way to congratulate yourself,a holiday or a break where you just do what you want to,read,swim,excercise,sunbathe,that is your choice and luxury..........enjoy!
Love Carole xxx
Thank you Carole for your nice message. I went to Australia to see my brother when I was well enough 3 years ago now. One of the the things I promised myself and so glad I did. I would like to meet more people, as I have 2 step-sons living with us at the moment, they are job less and now homeless, and am feeling a bit stressed at the moment, as we are tripping over each other. So will do the swimming and pull my bike out off the garage, and maybe that will help.
Hi Christina, was your breast cancer and ovarian both primary like me I had Bc in 2007 then OC last year x I find it hard monitoring 2 separate cancers x
2008 and 2010 me. I do agree about how hard it is to keep track of two of them and I was mightily relieved when I was signed off after 5 years for the BC. The OC keeps me busy enough!

congratulation on beating your BC.
Hello, the breast cancer was primary, they found that when I turned 50, and was eligible to have the mammograms, though before that my weight did go down, which is a sign. But the OC was grade 2, I had fibroids which were left, and I kept going back to the doctor feeling something was wrong, my stomach had got bigger, but I put that down to my age, big mistake, but I wasn't to know. It must be very difficult for you, but you must take care of yourself.
Hello and welcome- We are all here to talk and reassure each other, offer advise and experience. Thank you for sharing your journey of hope and healing for all of us. We all need to hear more stories like yours. I am 5 months post chemo and hope to stay NED. We never know what is in store for each and everyone of us.
Unfortunately breast cancer and OC go hand in hand. You are blessed with your outcome. I hope you stay in remission forever. Please stay in touch.
Hugs, Carol