I had my oncologist appointment yesterday after having 6 cycles of chemo. I have stage 4 mucinus oc. My oncologist says my scan was clear but she is sending all my biopsys to ucl for a third opinion. She called me a miracle because I've responded to chemo so well. She also wants to send me for genetics testing because there baffled to why I have this type of cancer. I was just wondering if anyone has had to have genetics tests.
Positive result : I had my oncologist appointment... - My Ovacome
Positive result

Hi such good news. I have just had my consultation and blood test for genetic testing. If you are coming sat I will bring my letters etc happy to talk to you about it
Dee x
Yay for your clean scan!! Great news!
I was told to have genetic testing given my 45 year old age and family history with cancer. My Dr said the results won't influence my immediate treatment but could down the road (now that I know more, she means reoccurrence treatment). I came back positive for brca 1, which was what likely caused my cancer. My brother is now being tested and I am praying he does not have this gene as he has two teenagers, one of which is a 17 year old girl. I would like to know that he and his family are not predisposed.
Good luck to you. Keep us posted as you venture into gene land. If it wasn't so personal, I would be absolutely fascinated by it all.
Best, Anne
Leianna this is amazing news! So so pleased for you! I hope you get some answers with the genetic testing...in the meant time I'll keep everything crossed things continue to stay positive for you! Happy times 😁🙏🏻🎉🥂
Jemima xx
Hi lei Anne
Do you know exactly what genetic testing they are doing? A genetic mutation KRAS is seen in mucinous OC but they do not appear to test for it. I asked about this at the Royal Marsden but was dismissed almost out of hand.
I have also posed a question about this to the doctor who is giving the talk on genetics at the Ovacome day
Usually BRCA does not occur in ladies who have mutinous.
I will be very interested what happens please keep us updated
Fay ( also mucinous)
Just thought I would add- there is quite a good section on the Target Ovarian Cancer site about genetic testing. Not sure if you have seen this.