Dear All
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have contacted Ovacome regarding preparation for their appraisal of a PARP inhibitor (a drug that interferes with the cancer's DNA - Olaparib is a PARP inhibitor). At this stage they are asking us for opinions regarding what they need to take into account when they are considering whether to recommend Niraparib availability for NHS treatment.
The name of the appraisal is: Niraparib as maintenance treatment of recurrent, platinum-sensitive ovarian, fallopian tube and peritoneal cancer that has responded to platinum-based chemotherapy.
If any of you have any feedback you would like us to give regarding this, please do leave a message below, or private message me through this forum, or email or call 0800 0087054.
In particular, if you took Niraparib as part of a trial and would like to let us know of your experience, that would be really helpful.
Also, anything you think NICE should take into account when considering the quality of life issues around treatment.
Please do let me know if you need any further information on this.
Best wishes
Support Service Manager