Is it normal to start sweating whilst on Carboplatin,.. I'm on the 3rd week now due for another Tuesday. ... Possibly not going to go ahead with it though. Thank you
Sweating....: Is it normal to start sweating... - My Ovacome

Night sweats are recorded as an adverse effect of Carboplatin. Are you sure you do not have a temperature peaking during the sweats?
No it's weird ... NO temperature at all. Thank God. You've made me feel a lot better as I'm in a bit of a bad place at the mo. THANK YOU XXX
I would suggest you chat to your consultant or team and see what would help you, Why are you going to stop the Chemo/ No one likes it but its a means to an end. It is doable and worth doing
I made the decision over a week ago. I've come to the end of my journey I want to have quality time what's left with my family.
I am sorry to hear of your decision, have you tried other treatments?
Also is this a reoccurrence?
Love ❤️ Jackie xx
This is so sad, there are so many side effects from the chemo, I too had sweats but they stopped once the chemo stopped. This is a major decision you are making after only 3 sessions, please speak to your oncologist, they may be able to offer alternatives. Is this a recurrence of your OC? Sending love and hugs ❤️
Bless you, I understand your decision a little more now. Hope your oncologist can give you a plan to make things more bearable for you, there's nothing that anybody can say to make this any easier for you, but you see. To be a strong lady. Have you had contact with Marie Curie nurses? They are such a kind organisation and really can help make things easier for you and help to try to give you peace in your decision. You have all our love and support in what must be such a difficult time. ❤️
Thank you. Sweating is a side effect of Carboplatin. Saw oncologist yday he is giving me some time off and then tweaking the Carboplatin. Still not sure what I will do. just so numb. Cried my eyes out in there yday.
I have had similar symptoms with sweating. I don't think it is that unusual. But ask to be sure.