Terrified: I have been referred to hospital on an... - My Ovacome

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Blancmange profile image
14 Replies

I have been referred to hospital on an urgent two week referral for an 'nasty' ovarian cyst picked up on an ultrasound scan. Feeling very scared (have three small children) and looking for something to give me hope/positive attitude.

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Blancmange profile image
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14 Replies
Millie-c profile image

Hi there,

Of course you feel like this, I remember when I had my scan and had to wait, it seams like forever. Easier said than done but try not to worry, things may not be as bad as your mind is thinking.

Fingers crossed for you, mandy, xx

Microbabe profile image

It's awful waiting to find out... Best advice I can give is worry won't change anything so try not to worry... Easier said than done I know.... Distraction is best policy thinking too deep is terrifying ... It's still early days as yet once you have a diagnosis things will be so much easier...You have come to the right place for support from all of the wonderful ladies here... Sending big hugs and best wishes xx

Blancmange profile image

Thanks for the replies. Am really trying not to worry too much but can't help googling absolutely everything - am sure it's the worst thing to do but searching for glimmers of hope.

Minniemay profile image
Minniemay in reply to Blancmange

I found early on that there is such a thing as too much information! Pick a couple of sites you know to be reliable, professional, established medical sites & just stick with those. Waiting is difficult & I know it's hard to try to think on good things, happier things. One day (hour!) at a time....be strong & encouraged.

Blancmange profile image
Blancmange in reply to Minniemay

Thanks! I will definitely try. And thank you for the encouragement and support - sending the same to you.

Caroles1 profile image

Hi love,

Don't google, you will drive yourself mad!

You are thinking of the worst case scenario and that really may not be the case.Be kind to yourself,do what you love doing and it sounds like you are being taken care of so that is good,it also sounds like early days.

There is loads of hope,you only have to look at our stories to realise that and once you know the state of play,it will all become clearer.

Good luck for your referral and we are here should you need a sympathetic ear


Blancmange profile image

I know - I must stop it. Thanks for replies. I am going to work out how to use the forum properly to follow etc

January-2016-UK profile image

My best advice is to try not to worry while waiting for the scan and for the results. Worry won't change anything that is already there but too much worry can ruin each moment of every day.

Take comfort from looking after your children and maybe plan some extra treats for yourself to keep those worries at bay.

One thing to bear in mind with your Google searches, is that most of the data is out of date.

You've found a great site here with all of us willing to help each other.

All the best!

Butterfly98 profile image

I was in the same situation as you at the end of July having been told by an unsympathetic GP that I had a "solid mass". I decided that I couldn't worry about something that I couldn't control and went with what the professionals wanted to do. I had my cyst removed last week (& had a hysterectomy at the same time) so I know as far as possible that, whatever it was, it's all gone. The cyst has gone for checking, but again that is also out of my hands until I hear anymore from my consultant. Of course I have spent the last 2 1/5 months googling each and every site, but have put everything in a compartment at the back of my mind. Don't forget a lot of the information you will read is out of date and/or full of worst case scenarios! If you let your worries take over they will take up all your time - please don't let that happen. All the ladies on this site are lovely and so supportive and have so many life experiences to help you with!

Good luck

Lorna x

Katmal-UK profile image

Hi. Firstly, stay off the internet, well except if you are doing online shopping for Christmas presents for your little ones :). The internet cant tell you whats going on you'll need the drs to tell you that. Secondly please try not to worry, sounds such a stupid thing to say but worrying wont change a thing and you will drive yourself mad. Once you know what you are dealing with and that hopefully will not be what you are thinking, then you can deal with it . Please do let us know how things go. Keeping everything crossed for you and sending you a big hug. Kathy xx

Bearup profile image

Hi, this is a really anxious time for you. Waiting for results is very stressful and it seems like it takes forever. The positive thing is that you are in the system and things are happening. It's hard not to worry, easier said than done but be kind to yourself. I agree with another reply and avoid googling your symptoms. I have found this forum a great support and much more informative than looking online. Be sure to eat properly and get sleep/ rest when you can. Try and keep positive . Thinking of you and wishing you all the best. Sarahx

Blancmange profile image
Blancmange in reply to Bearup

Hi Sarah, thanks for the reply. Am glad to read that your second op went well. How did you manage to eat at such an anxious time? I realise that I need to eat to keep as strong and healthy as possible but I just feel so sick all the time (with worry) that it's hard. Emma x

Butterfly98 profile image
Butterfly98 in reply to Blancmange

I agree about eating, although it is hard when you're worried. I made sure my teenagers ate properly (as far as teenage boys do) and I ate what food I fancied. I found I ate a lot of salad and fruit because it was quick and easy to prepare and also kept up my fluid intake.

Like the other lady said, you're in the system. Listen to what you're told when you go to appointments. Write down any questions you have when you think of them so you can your doctor. A friend came with me to all my appointments and she made notes for me of what was being discussed.

I hope you're feeling a little better after finding this site xx

Bearup profile image
Bearup in reply to Blancmange

Hi Emma, I know that feeling of being sick with worry and how hard it is to get away from it. Think about food and eating well as a way of helping yourself and something you can focus on. I bought a nutribullet/blender and made smoothies! Frozen fruit is good to use. I still make some everyday. Eat things you like. I remember feeling that I had no control over anything and having to rely on doctors at the hospital who I didn't know to help. ( In my experience they were really good and on the ball. ) I found it useful to focus on things I could do to help myself.

I know it's extra tough with a young family. Focus on them too. I remember feeling fairly calm around my children but would fall apart with everyone else. Accept help and support from friends and family.

Many on this forum said in some ways waiting is the worse part as we tend to automatically think the worse. It's doesn't have to be that way.

It won't be long until you hear from the doctors. Try and keep well and positive.

Thinking of you. Sarahx

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