After having weekly taxol my feet and ankles get very swollen, not had this when I was on carboplatin /taxol last year. As anyone else experienced this.
Swollen feet : After having weekly taxol my feet... - My Ovacome
Swollen feet

Yes I have... My feet get swollen after taxol... It does go down after about a day but I also have neuropathy now too 😖
Thanks shelly, is neuropathy when bottom of your feet get sore and hands and feet still swollen from chemo on Friday. But will have gone down a bit in a few days hopefully 😏xxx ps my toes feel numb, think that comes with treatment too.
I had Taxi 3 weekly with Carbo platinum and my feet and ankles were always swollen, onc said it was the Taxol that caused this.
Ellsey xx
Hi yes my feel did swell a bit on weekly taxol, I sat with my feet up when I could even at work, my feet and hands tingled a bit to, if they don't go down let your CNS or onc know, although when I told mine they just nodded and said yes that's a side effect of taxol I'm afraid and didn't offer anything to help
A good book or fim To be watched with your feet up xxx

Haha thanks, I think that is what I will be doing. Although they have gone down a bit today. Xx
Ah that's good you will feel a bit more comfortable hopefully, still put your feet up and relax 😀😀

Yes I am doing, nearly finished this book . 😊👍xx
Hi Juliette,
Yes I also experienced swelling of my right ankle after a recurrence and 5 months of carbo/taxol. I was told the taxol was the culprit. I go to a massage therapist for lymphatic massage. It is a very easy, soft massage with deep breathing and then drink lots of water to flush out toxins. It does not nor should it hurt because it is not muscular or deep tissue. It is the best massage ever and has really helped with my swelling which is gone now. My massage therapist trained in lymphatic massage just for cancer patients!
I hope this helps, Tracy
I have a more chronic problem with swollen ankles, and have found elevating them to be the best treatment. I have a recliner that goes just about to zero gravity, and I bought a foam wedge from Amazon which I can use on the footrest to raise them even higher. I'm also buying an outdoor zero gravity recliner (inexpensive) for on my patio to encourage me to get out in the fresh air more often.
Cheers, Linda
Would you try ice your feet during treatment ? I held ice packs in hands every week during dose dense taxol. No neuropathy ever! After the first week I had a tiny bit on my thumb but worked out it was because I didn't hold ice bad with this , once I changed my grip never a prob since . Good luck I am about to have carb gem for second recurrence in retroper nodes . Did yours improve with treatment ?
Hi susan, thank-you for your reply and I will certainly try the ice bag . My feet and ankles swell up after my chemo, lasts for a few days then just about back to normal when I'm due for the next one which I had yesterday. Also I get short of Breath which I didn't when I was on carboplatin /taxol last year. I had that every three weeks and I didn't seem to have many side affects only loosing my hair which I have again and a few days of fatigue. I kept a fatigue diary so I knew what days I was going to feel like that. I use to go to bed for a couple of hrs after dinner. Good luck with your Treatment. Love Julie xx