Just out of interest anyone travelled aboard whilst under treatment or have you had to wait for the all clear?
I don't necessarily mean anything fancy, even just a couple of days city break?
Just out of interest anyone travelled aboard whilst under treatment or have you had to wait for the all clear?
I don't necessarily mean anything fancy, even just a couple of days city break?
Hi I've been on weekly Taxol for the last 18 weeks and during this time I did go to Venice for a city break, I made sure I had all my meds with me and didn't over do thing when's I was there, during treatment I felt OK, I've also had a four day break in Marbella, so both flights weren't too long and while I was there I made sure I was drinking lots of water.
I did also ask my oncologist what he thought and he didn't think it was a problem if I felt well enough.
I think it all depends on how you are feeling and see what your CNS or oncologist advises to.
I personally didn't go on a plane until finish of treatment,but that was my choice and Ithink I could have gone on a short break if I felt OK.
After treatment I had to inject myself to prevent blood clots, for a flight over 2 hours before and after the flight.
I agree, if you go take all your meds,,take the advice from your onc and take into account how you feel.
If you decide to go have a fabulous time!!
Carole xxx
I been on several holidays 6 last year in between treatment and two this year it's called skiing spending kids inheritance if you have a word with oncologist first I just took meds with me and regularly took temperature I lived for today but everyone is different
Check with your oncologist first and if they say it's fine and you feel up to it, go for it.
I'm thinking of visiting Devon at the end of August and am quite worried about that, but also think it will do me the world of good.
Do what you feel is right for you.
Mandy, xx
I went skiing and visited London. My chemo side effects were minimal and I made sure it was during the 2nd/3rd week post chemo as I was stronger then. Avoided the hotel pool in London but apart from that it was as though I wasn't going through cancer.
I didn't want the chemo to effect my kids lives any more than it needed to.
If you feel up to it and your Docs are happy go for it.
I'm on my 8 th line Chemo after 12 years with this disease. I used to wait till a few weeks after I finished Chemo before going abroad but would go on little breaks in the UK. Recently as the cancer has spread to my liver and I have been on treatment without a break really since November I have decided to live as fully as possible so when I've felt well enough and after talking to the doctor I've had a week in Spain and been away in this country and felt a lot better for it too. I'm hoping to get abroad again in September when the weekly taxol is finished but will only go to countries where I can get emergency health care treatment in Europe.
Good luck with whatever you decide
Love Francesca x
Hi Francesca,
Re travelling abroad, is it difficult to get travel insurance when you have cancer? I presumed that the cost would be prohibitive.
Travel insurance can be frighteningly expensive. I am going to Canada I in September. 3 specialist companies refused me outright, one quoted £9,000 (why didn't they just refuse?). But someone on here recommended MIA and it cost just £320 so I am off. I am 6 months post chemo and currently NED.
Hi KitKat - I hope you get given the 'OK' to jet off for some R&R...best wishes, Jemima x
I kept up my usual routine and go to France on town twinnings and music twinnings twice a year. I take out insurance through Barclays Bank where I buy into a Health Consortium for the period I need the cover. I pay £8.50 for any one month or period in that month that I want. The exclusion is that any claim cannot be cancer linked. It has worked OK for me.
My oncologist said a break would be fine when I had my chemo break for surgery but to make sure I got to a doctor if usual infection signs started. She advised compression tights for flight as chemo makestarts you at risk. And of course to keep out of the sun and lots of skin care. I booked a holiday. Op date moved nearer and I never got there. Full refund though thankfully. Please ask your oncologist as their opinion may be very different.
Tracey x
We enjoyed a two week Med cruise last year during my post surgery chemo course last year. Oncologist gave his blessing and rearranged my 3 weekly chemos so we could go away. We sailed from Southampton so no flying and hired a powered scooter to use on board in order to conserve my energy.
I had travel insurance but it would not cover anything related to my cancer. My medics agreed that I was medically stable and my GP helped me put together a pack of Meds including antibiotics to cover as many possible complications as possible.
We all had a fantastic holiday. Cancer seemed a long way away for all of us. I felt the best I had since I had been diagnosed 12 months before.
Do try and get away it will do you a world of good I am surex