Recurrence symptoms: Hi. Despite two recurrences... - My Ovacome

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Recurrence symptoms

Katmal-UK profile image
11 Replies

Hi. Despite two recurrences I have never had and symptoms. at the mo I have bad back pain akin to sciatica. this gives me intermittent pelvic pain. Anyone else had symptoms like this prior to confirmation of recurrence. not sure if I have a bad back, recurrence or im just making more of this than I need to......

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Katmal-UK profile image
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11 Replies
Jo-Bo profile image

Hi Katmal

You have been doing marvellously over a very long time, and long may it continue. I hope your back pain is unrelated to OC and quickly resolvable with a trip to an osteopath or chiropractor. I have never experienced any pelvic or other pain with my OC, which is why it was only diagnosed at stage 4 when an extremely bloated abdomen took me to the GP. Looking back the warning signs were there; intermittent periods, extreme tiredness etc, but I had dismissed these as the beginning of the menopause. Ho hum.

Can I ask what stage you were when you were first diagnosed?

Good luck with treating the back pain and I have everything crossed that it is not related to OC.

Jo x

Katmal-UK profile image
Katmal-UK in reply to Jo-Bo

Hi Jo. thank you for your reply. im hoping i just have a bad back as well which is something Ive had in the past and Im over-reacting. I also had a bad bout of sciatica in 2003 which kept me off work for 3 months. I was stage 3 when diagnosed in 2007. Its odd that the pelvic pain is very intermittent , theres no tenderness and I have a check up on 26th August which I can bring forward to 19th if I feel the need. I woke up this morning totally pain free but Im going to see how long that lasts. xx

honiton profile image
honiton in reply to Katmal-UK

Hi,I had no back pain but intermittent pelvic pain but the thing that bothered me was the pelvis felt very warm and tender xx

Strawberryfield profile image

I had intermittent lower side back pain.this pain is what made me think something was a miss and it turned out there was my ca125 was on the move.currently having weekly chemo.x

I have similar. I finished chemo in Jan and have managed a couple of months of remission. The back and leg pain is very severe and I am coping with painkillers. I have had a scan and see the oncologist next week. The thoughts are that it could be arthritis, or a disc pressing on a nerve, or a tumour. I suspect it is arthritis or the disc that has raised its head for a bit of attention after the battering the body has taken. It seems to me if you have any sorts of weakness the cancer will find it out. Hope they find out what it is.

Katmal-UK profile image
Katmal-UK in reply to PhillipandBettykid

Thanks for yr reply. Since the first chemo in 2007 it triggered off arthritis which is now in most of my joints. This feels different tho....

mrsspeedy profile image

Like you never had problems with pain but since June have been hospitalised 3 times with pain and vomiting last scan in June showed stable disease but since then CA125 has crept up to 1300 and I generally feel like crap and now on regular pain meds and anti sickness plus regular breakthrough pain control

Also appetite is zero!!

Had CT scan today get results on Tuesday!!

I feel things have definitely deterioted for me so hoping they say chemo is neede otherwise I don't know where to go from here !!

Katmal-UK profile image
Katmal-UK in reply to mrsspeedy

I wish you well. My appetite isn't affected and the back pain is almost non existent today with just the odd twinge on the left hand side and left side groin area. Keep thinking it's gone then get a stbbing pain. Good luck for your CT results. xx

Di16 profile image

I have been having variable back pain for some time, which I have been told is mechanical rather than tumour related, & seems to be a little less troublesome at the moment. It is more obvious when I'm walking or doing something which involves bending, which a physiotherapist at our local hospice says suggests the mechanical opinion. I also had sciatica a while back.

I have got a recurrence, but my oncologist says that my tumours are in a position where she doesn't expect them to cause any pain.


Katmal-UK profile image
Katmal-UK in reply to Di16

Hi Di. Mine seems to be when I'm seated, which I am a lot as I am office based. Maybe I need to get a new chair or alter the way I sit. xx

Katmal-UK profile image

Thanks everyone for your replies. The pain is a lot less today, almost non existent so maybe I am over -reacting. Its just worrying. I tend to worry at every unexplained pain. Think I'll leave it over the weekend and if necessary get my CA125 checked next Wednesday. I need to tell my husband but havent yet for fear of worrying him unnecessarily.

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