CT Results: Following on from my previous post... - My Ovacome

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CT Results

doodoolatrice profile image
β€’18 Replies

Following on from my previous post earlier this week I had a phone call from my Consultants Secretary this evening, to say my Consultant would like to see me in his next clinic on Wednesday. She said his clinic is very full so could I get there first thing. I know that this means that something has shown up on the scan, as there was a very slight change four months ago. I'm very grateful that he is fitting me in and really appreciate that I'm not being kept in limbo for very long, but my stomach is now doing somersaults. I think I may need to have a glass of wine.....would anyone like to join me. Kerry😁😁😁😁😁😁

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doodoolatrice profile image
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18 Replies

Hi Kerry. I will join you with the wine πŸ˜€ I have a nice glass of white sitting beside meπŸ˜€. Try not to stress yourself to much, it's good that you don't have to wait to long. The waiting for appointments is very hard but hopefully it will go quickly. The weather looks good tommorrow (as long as your not in Scotland!) perhaps you could go for a walk to try and take your mind of it for a while. Let us know how you get on, will be thinking of you. Sending cyber hugs love Jennyx

doodoolatrice profile image
doodoolatrice in reply to

Thanks Jenny, weather is looking fab over the weekend so I'm planning on tidying up the garden and pressure washing the patio. Being busy is good, cheers and thanks love Kerry xx

I would join you if I had any in. So .. a phantom one .. ! Maybe it's good news ..you never know xx ..

doodoolatrice profile image

Bless you Tina, I had a glass of wine for you, lol. I know it's not good news. My Consultant rang me last time with my results and he said he would do the same again this time, as I live an hour away from the hospital. I had a phone call earlier in the week to say my results would be put before the MDT meeting on Tuesday so

I'm assuming somethings going on and he's already preempted the meeting. Anyway onwards and upwards, tomorrows going to be a busy day so I'm off to bed, love Kerry xx

Seren1942 profile image

Good luck with your meeting, at least they are keeping a close eye on you which is a positive thing. Keep busy, you have been through this before and you will manage it again, enjoy your wine and the sunshine. Gillx

thesilent1 profile image

Oh Kerry, i will be thinking of you. I'll join you for that glass of wine, am partial to a glass of Rose and will have one later. Its good you're getting seen so quickly. Ann xo

doodoolatrice profile image

Thanks Gill and Ann, I'm in excellent hands so let's see what Wednesday brings. In the meantime I intend to keep as busy as possible. Thanks for your support. Kerry xx

Madz profile image

Thinking of you and knowing that waiting feeling but today you are ok so I say that's just fab and we both won't worry about tomorrow xxxxxx

doodoolatrice profile image

I like that Madz, yes today I'm fine, stomachs only doing back flips today xx

charlie12 profile image

Hi Kerry

So sorry you are going through this....so hope things turn out for you.

Love C xxx

Hi Kerry, I will raise a glass to you and hope that the ct scan result will be okay. It is hard not to worry we all do especially when we get that phone call,, My reaction last time this happened was to clean the house from top to bottom and again, Look there are many treatments out there if the worst comes to the worst to help you. If you need a plan of action there will be one for you so bear that in mind. I have OC since 2005/ 2006 and I am still here well enough to enjoy life and give out too. But that wine sounds good at the moment

EnaC profile image

Hi Kerry will raise a phantom glass to you as well. It is difficult waiting for appointments and luckily Wednesday is only a few days away. Enjoy the weather and the garden whilst the lovely weather lasts.

Ena xx

doodoolatrice profile image

Hi Charlie, Suzuki and Ena, Thanks for your support. I've kept myself really busy today Suzuki and the fact that the sun has been shining, really helped. Feeling a bit subdued now that I've sat down and I'm having time to think. I was so lucky last time in that my disease was borderline but I'm really worried that I won't be so lucky this time. I'm also questioning whether the IBS symptoms I had last week were actually IBS now. My mind is going into overdrive. Anyway, enough of that, deep breaths and ......relax. Thanks again ladies for your support it means a lot. Have a good evening, love Kerry x

daisies profile image

While the call to see your consultant next wk must be a horrible shock, thank goodness you are being seen so quickly.

It is only a short time to Wednesday but a lot of time to worry. So, open that bottle of wine - pour a glass, sit down in a nice comfy chair/sofa and try to relax.

Tomorrow is International Women's Day ( I think it may be Mothers Day here???) - so get someone to cook dinner, do the wash up./load & UNLOAD the dish washer and have a 'me' day.

Hugs and Kind thoughts to you for next Wed. and keep us posted.


it just struck me that your boss was on a mission last week, I hope you got to talk to her and that things settled a bit. Deep breathes and a warm relaxing soak in the bath with another glass of wine is prescribed for tonight

doodoolatrice profile image

Thanks Daisies and Suzuki, I'm having another glass of wine Daisies, not that I ever need an excuse, lol. Suzuki, my boss did ask how I was when I went back to work and I said my IBS had flared up !!! She was really nice, she seemed to take it on board and was much better last week. like I've said before, deep down she's ok, just a bit messed up. thanks ladies, your support is invaluable xx

AnnieMae profile image

Hope you enjoyed the wine - lost count of how many glasses you've had but you go for it! The weather's been great so that garden of yours must be looking good now. I'll be thinking of you.


Annette xxx

doodoolatrice profile image

Hi Annette, I'm all wined out now and I'm at work tomorrow so no more for me this weekend. The garden is looking much better but I can't take the credit for it as hubby did more of it. I've had a bad IBS flare up recently and my tummy is still feeling very tender so hubby said he would do it as he didn't want me pulling anything. I kept myself busy though doing other things, the house is spotless, and all the washing and ironing is up to date so it's been a productive weekend. Work tomorrow and I'm always rushed off my feet there so I'm having a sit down with a nice cuppa whilst dinner is cooking. Thanks for your good wishes, love Kerry x

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