Does anybody out there have this one? I originally had just carboplatin but within 2 months the ascitic fluid built up again so I am now going to be on carboplatin + taxol. I shall be losing my beautiful locks! The woes!
Primary peritoneal cancer: Does anybody out there... - My Ovacome
Primary peritoneal cancer

Yes I have PPC. Also had only Carboplatin First time round then about 7 months later Carboplatin and taxol. It is one of the very hard things loosing your hair. I found I couldn't cope watching it go down the plug hole in the shower over a few days so I went and had it all shaved off properly and felt much better about it, however everyone is different and deals with it in their own way. There are some nice wigs out there and lovely head gear on Wigs for you .com. Wishing you all the very best. Love Sue x
I agree with wonkylegs I shaved all mine off and I have five wigs I love a change it's only hair it will grow back last time mine came back thick and curly all my friends were jealous !! The Carbo/taxol is the gold treatment it's worth doing
Good luck
Pam xx
I have had two carboplatin/taxol sessions but left out taxol on the third session because of numbness in toes and fingers. Worrying about what to do next time. Numbness still as bad as ever.
Thanks for the reply. I was due to start Carbo + Taxol tomorrow but I have heard various poor reports. I am still feeling vulnerable as my period of remission was just two months. I am seeing the consultant on Thursday and he will be discussing another combination drug plan with me. It will be interesting to put this on the site and get reactions to this proposed combination.
Have to admit losing my hair wasn't a 'biggy'! Just wanted to blast the blighter with the big guns! As it happened couldn't continue full 6 cycles of the taxol because I reacted but the damage was done so the hair came out. Never wore my wig, it didn't look or feel right. Managed with scarves and wooly hats or went 'au natural'!
It's winter months so you'll want to cover up anyway so your hair should be back again in time for the warm weather.
Good luck with your treatment.
Annette xxx
Thanks for your reply. I have had replies that are making me question Taxol. Luckily I have a very listening consultant. He is also considering an option which has different side effects and potentially low life expectancy. What a pity as I feel in such good health. Just for the record, my treatment takes place in Treliske in Cornwall.
I too was on Carbo & Taxol. When I knew I would lose my hair, I had it cut into a short cut. I donated it to Locks of Love. They make wigs for children. It was a tiny bit easier seeing short hair in the drain & in my hands than long strands. I purchased several headwraps & got a wig thru a local foundation. The wig looked great on there, but I could never get it to look right on me. I gave it to someone else on my last chemo & she LOVED it. One day I accidentally went to the store without a headwrap. I was more concerned about how my baldness might make someone else feel. My boyfriend told me I didn't need to cover it up. He loved me no matter what; hair or no hair. You will be just fine. It's just hair & I can attest, it does grow back. I'm now 4 months post chemo & my hair is a couple inches long & there's a lot of it!! Best to you!!