Hii there. Im 33 and had a full hysterectomy 9 days ago. Im feeling ok but im finding the menopause symptoms difficult and doesnt help the medication im on my head already feels non attached 2 my body. I have bloating bad I look 6 months pregnant at least and I was wondering if anyone could tell me how long the bloating lasts and also if h.r.t causes bloatness or weight gain. Im very self conscious. I just want 2 feel like me again. Many thanks xx
Hii there. Im 33 and had a full hysterectomy 9 ... - My Ovacome
Hii there. Im 33 and had a full hysterectomy 9 days ago.

Tishtash, that's such a young age to be dealing with all of this. If you feel in need of some contact with women in a similar situation I know Ovacome run a group for younger women. You could ring Ruth who runs the help line as she organises the group. The number is 0845 371 0554 - operates during the working week.
It does take six weeks to recover from a hysterectomy so I hope you're resting enough. I was told to lift nothing during the recovery period and do no housework.
I'm sure if you rest up your body will recuperate and you'll feel yourself very soon. Sometimes it seems a frustrating amount of time doesn't it? I'm afraid you will get symptoms of menopause and that doesn't help. Hot flushes and night sweats can make you feel so out-of-control and miserable.
I'm just posting a quick reply in the knowledge that you'll get lots of sympathy and support from ladies (and gents) on this group. xxx
Take care. Rest up! love Annie
Hi Tishtash
I'm 36 and had a radical hysterectomy about 6 weeks ago. The first two weeks were the hardest for me as I couldn't fit into any of my usual trousers and felt like my body was just a big blob. My belly was kind of uneven as well after the surgery with one side bulging slightly more. I worried that I will never look like the old me. My doctors told me not to exercise or carry anything that weighs more than 5 kg until after 6 weeks. I basically stayed home except for groceries shopping and doing short walks.
Six weeks down then line I finally found my waist again and could fit into my usual exercise/yoga wear. Haven't tried my jeans yet as they look aggressive! This is despite that I have been trying to eat as much as I can to put on more weight and strengthen my body for chemo. So your body will recover but it does take time. Let it do its job, while you rest and take it easy.
The more noticeable menopause symptom for me was the hot flushes and they are worst in the early morning. I live in HOng Kong which is humid and hot so it could get quite unpleasant! I'm trying different things to see how best to cope with it - bringing a paper fan with me everywhere I go, have a cool wet towel handy, avoiding light coloured tops (hate wet armpits!!) and just generally try not to think too much about it!
I am not on HRT yet but will discuss this with my doctor in 2 weeks' time.
We are battling many evils at the same time but do speak to the doctors and nurses if you are very worried and see what can be done. And I'm sure other members of this group will have useful advice for you too!
Take care and rest well!
Hi I was 30 when I had my total hysterectomy. I felt horrid for a few weeks while my body was healing. You must give it time and go with what your body tells you or you will end up taking steps backwards. After a few weeks I started taking little walks, just five mins here and there and gradually increased the time. I was not allowed to start HRT for six weeks which was hard. I had windows open, fans going and found myself quite tearful and emotional, but once I started them they made a big difference and still do. I don't suffer with any symptoms now. I managed to get back into my clothes probably about eight weeks after surgery. I was more comfy in leggings and jogging bottoms up until then. I did not gain any weight through HRT. I just ate healthily and did light exercise. I gained weight when I started the chemo due to the steroids etc, but don't know if you are having chemo. I was back at work after ten weeks. Hope this helps xx
Has anyone researched the menopause diet and had success? I had my total hysterectomy 4 days ago but have cut out dairy and most meat from my diet 2 weeks before my surgery . I have had occasional goat cheese and fish... I am 41 yrs old and maybe it's too soon to say but I haven't had a hot flash yet... Thanks!
Dear Avljeane,
You don't say whether you have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer or not or whether your hysterectomy was given for a different reason. ...if this is the case then your diet might be very different to one who has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer therefore it is best to join a surgical menapause site if on the other hand you have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer you are best checking with your oncology team before embarking on any diet.
Best wishes love x G x

Yes- my hysterectomy was in response to a granulosa tumor on my right ovary - I am still waiting for my final pathology report but feel more nervous about surgical menopause at the moment . I do not have a stage at this point but the tumor was only 11 mm so the surgeons have been hopeful that I may not need further treatment at this point .
Dear Avljeanne,
Sorry that you are going through this and wish you all the best for a way forward love x G x
Hi tishtash,
You don't say why you have had an hysterectomy and whether you have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer or not ... I should think if you have had an hysterectomy for a different reason other than being diagnosed with Ovarian cancer ... then the recovery rate and menopausal symptoms would be very different.
You could give the Ovacome helpline a ring but if your diagnosis has not been ovarian cancer then you might be better joining a support group that are dealing with hysterectomy and surgical menopausal issues....because they would be better placed in offering advice on this.
Best wishes love x G x