All went ok with the surgery but it took 5 hours due to putting a stent in uretha and cutting away lots of adhesions but my surgeon winkled it out. But also spent 2 hours unsticking my small bowel which had stuck itself to pelvic wall on other side. And so it goes on now my bowel has rebelled and shut down got a ng tube stuck up my nose and feeling a bit jaded. Was hoping to post an upbeat update bit not quite there yet.
Had op for reoccurrence of mucinous oc. - My Ovacome
Had op for reoccurrence of mucinous oc.
What a bruising and battering experience (and painstaking). Not surprising you're not singing and dancing yet. I think there's nothing worse than tubes up noses. Bowels don't like being fiddled with and do tend to rebel. I had an incarcerated hernia in August and it took ages to get back to something resembling normality. But chemo probably played a part in that too. Hoping you'll have had a comfortable night and will slowly feel more like yourself. All the best Chris xxxx
Not surprising that you are feeling jaded at the moment. Hope things start to get better from now on.
Love Mary xx
So sorry to hear you had such a rough time. I hope you're feeling better very soon. Positive thoughts and best wishes xx
Hope you start to improve soon.
Dear AnnieM Good on you for posting even though you don't feel the best at the moment. You certainly need a lot of TLC and sympathy from us. It does sound as though your surgical team are on the ball and you're having great care - just a bummer to have so much discomfort and the tube up your nose.
Keep posting and we'll do our best to keep you cheerful. Hopefully not too long and you will be nice and comfy at home.
Loads of love xxx Annie
Hi Annie
Sorry to hear you are feeling rough - it's not surprising after what you ve been through. Hope you feel better soon
Sue xx
Hope you are feeling a lot better soon. You have been through a lot and need to recuperate- try to take it easy.
Anne xx
Thank you all for your support was going home tomorrow but did an impressive impersonation of the exorcist so back on drip anothee x ray tomorrow abd the long awated bowel movement is also a lovely shade of grass green! Bit at least my sense of humour is returning. But here a day or two more yet