Hi I'm afraid I didn't ask lots of question of doctor perhaps I should have. I had total hysterectomy last July told stage 2c no chemo needed but few slow cells in pelvis. Being monitored 6 monthly with ca125 tests and visit to oncology. Anybody else like this and is there anything I should be looking out for. I'm not very good at asking doctor things. Thanks in advance.
Stage 2c: Hi I'm afraid I didn't ask lots of... - My Ovacome
Stage 2c

Hi, I was stage 2c confined to right ovary, like you I ask no questions, but they recommended 18 weeks of chemo, weekly taxol, 3 weekly carbo as part of a trial, all traces removed at surgery (im on week 18 hooray!) Because ive never asked I would assume my cancer was more aggressive than yours as I was offered chemo, although they did say it was my choice and a few years ago they wouldnt have given chemo....I still dont want to know ignorance is my way of getting through it I wish you well, im sure if treatment was needed they would have offered it to you, as long as they are monitoring you and you alert them if you feel unwell, I felt so ill before my op I think id know if it was back....they are very positive about my future so I have to be as well:)
Take Care
Andrea x x
Thanks for reply, I am back in March I must ask more questions I think. I do suffer with an upset tummy roughly once a week and feel drained when it happens but then I feel great other days, hoping it's just menopause symptoms as thrown into that as well. Was advised to avoid HRT if I could. Thanks.
Just for further info if there is anymore advice out there this is the diagnosis on my letter - Bilateral serous mucinous borderline ovarian tumour, stage 2c.
Have you had a look on the Ovacome website? It's ovacome.org.uk There are Factsheets in the Resources tab. There are also details of a nurse-led helpline, where they will answer your questions. An approach of wait and watch seems to be common nowadays, but you probably need some reassurance
All the best
Love Wendy xx
You will know when the time is right for you to ask questions. I didn't ask a lot in the beginning I listened to what I was told but didn't want the real detail because I just wasn't ready. However, once I felt ready I asked for the detail and was more able to cope with it. We are all different but when you do feel ready make a list of the questions you need answers for. If you forget to ask your Doctor you should be able to ring your specialist nurse for answers, mine are amazing.
Best wishes
Annette xxx