Updated update :-( serous fluid dripping out - My Ovacome

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Updated update :-( serous fluid dripping out

Langstonelady profile image
18 Replies

Its 330am and need to share my worries with you. I was hoping to be allowed to go home today but have had terrible left sided kidney pain plus what's concerning me freshly is there is red watery fluids dripping from the lower part of my scar. The nurse on nights said it needs to come out, and dressed it. That's been twice tonight because i have gone to the loo and left a blood trail that scared me . My consultant will be round this morning so i will discuss with him. I am thinking i won't be happy going home like this and also don't know if this is normal? What would i do if this happened a few days after getting home ?

I was so not prepared for all the extra things to deal with afterwards.

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Langstonelady profile image
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18 Replies
vipervictoria profile image

I can understand your worry. This happens sometimes - even often after major surgery. I had a catheter because the surgeon cut my bladder accidentally, and for days afterwards the fluid that came from the catheter was bloody, for the simple reason that the bladder had been repaired and was still bleeding slightly.

As for my scar, it healed cleanly, which is relatively unusual, but I was given antibiotics to prevent infection. During my pre surgery tests I had been diagnosed with a nasty urinary infection; the assumption was that unless the UTI had cleared completely, the urine that came out of my bladder when it was cut could still be infected…

Phew! I hope that makes sense.

Probably by the time your consultant sees you there will have been some tests done on the fluid that's leaking, which will enable the consultant to decide what to do. He might prescribe something, he might ask your GP to send district nurses in daily to help you keep the wound clean and perhaps dressed, he might ask you to stay for another day or two. Remember, if you are at all uncomfortable with the thought of being discharged, you can always ask to stay a bit longer. This often happens, and almost always the answer is positive.

Hope you feel better this morning. I've just woken up and made a cup of coffee. (I know, it's bliss to be able to do that.)

Best wishes, Vxx

Lily-Anne profile image

Try not to worry, at least you are still in hospital it is much harder to get advice from home. You scar weeping can be due to fluid from surgery, which is a pinkish watery colour, Make sure you don't let go of the doctor until you have an answer that satisfies you, I did have a weeping scar with a bloody fluid but not so soon after surgery.

Think nice thoughts until the doctors rounds, otherwise you will stress yourself into a frenzy, I'm off to work now.

Best of luck today

LA xx

ANDE-Wales-UK profile image

Carol, try not to worry, you are in the best place, I had a little seepage from my wound at first, I think it can happen,and I was given antibiotics for a uti, we all get strange and scary things happen after this op and freak ourselves out, but I think it all part of the process, im sure youre consultant will sort you out and youll be home soon,

Take care

Thinking of you

Love Andrea x x

Whippit profile image

Dear Carol

I hope you're feeling a bit better now it's daylight and hopefully not long to wait before the consultant sees you. It's so disappointing to have to stay in hospital longer than you expected. Just letting you know I'm thinking of you. It'll be good to sort it out and it's as well this happened in hospital rather than once you'd got home.

Take care. Let us know how you get on. xxx love Annie

Hi Carol and good morning. (And to Vicky, LA, Andrea too and Andrea too!) I was in the same place as you two and a half months ago as I had another laparotomy then. I was discharged into the hands of the District Nurses who were great. There were complications with the scar but its all healed now. I'm hoping not to get another hernia so I'm taking it easy and still not lifting anything heavy. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! I hope you feel better this morning and that you can go home. Love Tina x x

Hi Carol

I think it's good that your in hospital for the consultant and nurses to sort things out. My incision started weeping 2 days after coming home and I ve been back and forth to the doctors this week to get it dressed as it had a slight infection and needed some antibiotics and I certainly found it all a little unnerving. Anyway It's improving now but I can totally understand your worry.

Hope everything is sorted soon and that you ll be home very soon

Sue xx

kaz14 profile image

Hi Carol, so sorry you're feeling so worried, it's very scary when things happen that you don't expect. As everyone else says you're in the best place and I'm sure they won't discharge you without being sure everything's ok. Hope you're seen soon and it's sorted out, pretty sure you won't be sent home if you're not happy to go yet, thinking of you,

Love Kaz x x

Sunfleury-UK profile image

Hi Carol, sorry to hear you've had an anxious night. I hope that when you've seen the Consultant you have a better idea of what's happening. I had some issues with my scar post op and the district nurses kept an eye on it and changed dressings. I know it depends where you live as to how available this is but hopefully you'll have a GP practice or minor injuries clinic nearby in case of any future issues. It is a worrying time but you will see great improvements really quickly- for some of us there are a few bumps early on in recovery!! ! Best wishes, Sx

Di16 profile image

Hi, my scar weeped a bit at one end for quite a while after surgery & I had it redressed initially at home. by the district nurses, then by the practice nurses at my local surgery.


Wiganw profile image


Hopefully you have now seen consultant. My wound weeped but not to the extent of yours. I was due to leave hospital on Monday and a junior doctor came round on friday and said I could go home. I told them I was not happy going home due to wound and wanting to see consultant on Monday. I was also concerned that if things went wrong at weekend I would have no GP back up and hospital was 50 miles from home. I stayed in till monday, saw consultant and went home as planned. My nurse at my GP surgery dressed the wound for a couple of weeks by which time it had healed. It is important to keep dry i was allowed to shower in hospital and not told to keep dry and I think thats why it took longer to heal.

Try not to worry, I know that easier said than done.

sharon x

vipervictoria profile image

How are you? I've been thinking of you ever since I read your post, and hoping you're feeling a bit better now. Vxxx

Langstonelady profile image

Hello all, thanks so much for your replies. I have today finally been sorted by my own consultant. He paid a visit just before 0800 to see how i was. He could see i was not well and has taken 6of my 28 staples

out and then the wound left has been packed with medical stuff to encourage it to grow and heal. I will be in for a couple more days. This is what was causingg my temp to rise. Feels a lot better now x x

in reply to Langstonelady

Oh good, I'm so glad they finally got their act together. It took far longer than it should... But sounds like you will get a couple of days TLC too, so that's good. Here's to rapid healing, this time xxx

ANDE-Wales-UK profile image
ANDE-Wales-UK in reply to Langstonelady

Hi Carol

Glad your feeling more comfortable:) hopefully you'll be home in a couple of days

Lots of love and healing

Andrea x x

vipervictoria profile image
vipervictoria in reply to Langstonelady

Glad to hear this. I've been thinking of you - you're in the best place, frustrating though it may be. Here's a happy healing and home soon!!! Vicky x

Pimkin81 profile image
Pimkin81 in reply to Langstonelady

Glad to hear you re feeling better. My wound reopened on its own due to infection and I would have much preferred it had been done in a controlled way. I've been having it dressed every other day by the district nurses and it is almost healed, so hopefully yours will be the same. Just take plenty of rest!


Hi there and good morning .. I hope you continue to improve. Love Tina x x

Wickedice profile image

Hi, ive just joined after spending hours sesrching for experiences of gyn/ bladder problems. Im 33 history of cin 2 treated 15 years ago, clear smears since, including one in last 2 months. For the last 4 years ive suffered chronic back pain, progressing to right sided pelvic pain/ leg pain, now generalised pelvic pain- feels like huge congestion.. Severe hip pain, on both sides but worse on right side. Im an icu nurse & my life consists of working & recovering from working' & taking painkillers. My biggest worry is that for about last 6 months i think im leaking urine vaginally. At first it seemed mostly while on my period, i looked it up & seen people suggesting perhaps tampon not up far enough & therefore getting wet in flow when peeing, i stared making sure this wasnt the case. The symptoms remain that the worst time is when im on my period... Im soakung through super tampons & when i remove it theres not that much blood but its soaked, and my underwear & often trousers in what definately smells like urine! Its utterly ghastly! In last two months its happened whilst working& have had to change trousers twice during my shift. Another odd symptom is that I get most of my urges to pee when im lying down! I seem to be able to go all day only peeing once but when i go to bed im up about 3-4 times. What i dont understand is when im not on my period there is only a tiny amount of leakage.... Therefore surely if i had a fistula id be wet all the time???? Ive had an internal exam - fine - just large ectopic area/ & erosion seen. My pelvic floor is intact. I dont leak when i cough or sneeze. An ultrasound about 6 months ago showed a 2cm mass likely to be a subserosal fibroid.. Sorry for the huge story just need some advice?? D

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