I wonder if anyone's in the same position as me? I've recently had treatment for stage 1 Clear Cell ovarian cancer. Yesterday was my first 3 month follow-up appointment. It didn't really put my mind at rest as there was no scan prior to the appointment and no abdominal examination on the day. When I asked why, I was told that blood tests (CA125) plus face-to-face consultation is the follow-up process for stage 1 cases. However, it's well recognised that Clear Cell doesn't show up particularly well with CA125 - making it an unreliable marker/indicator for this cancer. Therefore, it's tricky to pick up a recurrence without noticing a physical symptom or having a scan. When I pressed the point, I was told there will be a scan at the 6 month point, which is something at least. I'm currently trying to find a good way of dealing with the persistent doubt without trotting to the doctor's every time I have a bit of bloating and this didn't really help. To be fair the doc told me to contact the specialist nurse if I had any symptoms at all and that this would likely trigger an emergency scan. I know that I'm very lucky to have been diagnosed at stage 1 and obviously don't want to be having more scans than necessary, but having clear cell is not great, and there's still the chance of recurrence. Any thoughts anyone? Thanks.