Trying to avoid pharmaceuticals due to side effects. Have anyone experienced success with Osteostrong? Feedback is greatly appreciated. TY.
Osteostrong?: Trying to avoid... - Osteoporosis Support

Hello,I was diagnosed with an increase in osteopenia- not yet osteoporosis and I also want to improve my bone density without meds for as long as possible. I have been participating in Osteostrong weekly for about 20 months. I have seen an increase of 175% in strength as measured on their (4) machines. The program is simple and I am in and out in under 30 mins. The actual strength exercises take less than 15 mins. and then I enjoy an additional modality (deep tissue chair massage is my fave). I will have my next DEXA in October and am anxious to see the results. I also take Calcium with D3 and K2, and do yoga and strength training classes at the gym. I will post my DEXA results so stay tuned.
Can’t wait to see the results of your October DEXA. Keeping my fingers crossed 🤞🏻 for positive results, meaning an improvement in your BMD.
If there were an Osteostrong w/i 2 hours of my home, I would join their program. Unfortunately, the closest location is approximately 4.5 hours away, so I can make the round-trip drive a day trip.
When I 1st heard about Osteostrong, I visited their website and in the video section there is a clip about thyroid conditions. That video sold me on the program. I have hypothyroidism (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis). In this particular video they say that if ppl follow the Osteostrong program for one year and don’t see an increase in BMD then there is obviously something else going on (wrong) and they were surprised by the fact that when they sent these folks back to their doctors they often find the a thyroid or parathyroid issue that was not previously diagnosed.
When I was 1st diagnosed w/ osteoporosis, I asked my endocrinologist if there were any natural ways to reverse my bone loss. He gave me the same old story, take calcium and vitamin D supplements and walk and lift light weights. If those things were enough to prevent bone loss, I wouldn’t have a lumbar t-score of -3.9 (2019 DEXA result) -3.7 (2021 DEXA result). I’ve being doing these things for years. My endocrinologist did make sure to tell me that my bones were “horrible” and he of course pushed me toward meds. Concerned and with no other options given I followed his advice.
After my 2nd DEXA in 2021, w/ little improvement from my 2019 DEXA, I started doing my own research, and that’s when I found this website and discovered the Marodyne LiV platform, Osteostrong, the prune study, the almond study, and the importance of vitamin K2.
When I saw my endocrinologist this spring, I specifically asked him what he thought about the Marodyne LiV and Osteostrong. He said that LIV (low intensity vibration) therapy does look promising. He’d never heard of Osteostrong, but when I explained that it was basically osteogenic loading, he then told me that he had looked into purchasing a piece of osteogenic loading equipment for his practice but it’s very expensive—this tells me he thinks osteogenic loading works otherwise why would he consider purchasing it.
Osteostrong advertises 1 free visit. Earlier this year, I was in a city w/ an Osteostrong location. I arranged an appt to try it out and explained to the owner that I currently live to far away to join but there is the possibility that I would move closer so I could join (Note, This is true. If my next DEXA doesn’t show improvement in my BMD I might move to a city w/ an Osteostrong just so I can try it for a year to see if it would work for me), The owner was very nice and understanding and I got to use the 4 pieces of osteogenic loading equipment that they use. If you do decide to try or join Osteostrong the one thing is recommend that you avoid is, if the want you to use a WBV (whole body vibration) machine, DON’T. WBV is not really good for anyone and can even cause detached retinas, so just decline using it and stick to the 4 osteogenic loading machines they have.
So my recommendation is you give Osteostrong a shot. It takes less time than going to the gym and if you have a DEXA before you start, per their claims, you should see positive gains w/i a year, as long as you are reaching the targets on their equipment. If you do decide to join, please keep us posted on your results.
Also, Dr. Susan Brown of and the Caltons of promote OsteoStrong.
The Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation, Dr. Sherri Betz, Dr. Lora Giangregorio, Dr. Belinda Beck, Melioguide's Margaret Martin and Sara Meeks advise against it. I suggest anyone interested in OsteoStrong read Dr. Beck's study.
I’m very interested in OsteoStrong and even considering moving to a city that had an OsteoStrong. This probably wouldn’t happen for a few years if I decide to do it. First and foremost, I need to get another DEXA before I make any more changes. I would like to read the study you are referring to. Can you please provide the link.
"Five incident fractures of thoracic vertebrae occurred for IAC and one wedge fracture progressed."
I am interested as well. However, I am yet to find solid studies where before and after results via scans are shown that would substantiate their claims. Perhaps I am missing something. If anyone has a link to such studies please share. Thanks!