Hi I am from the uk . My t score in 2018 last dexa scan was hip -3 and lumbar -4.2. I haven’t had any falls but had a compression fracture on t10 spine with a cough I had. I have jogged for about 5 years with no falls and not sprinting just slow speeds but my hip started to hurt and was wondering if I should give it up. I am doing mostly walking now but at times miss the jogging. I looked at Japanese slow jogging and wondered if this would hurt my back or hips. Anyone else doing jogging or just walking. Take care 🙂
Exercise severe osteoporosis - Osteoporosis Support
Exercise severe osteoporosis

I jog three to six miles and lift weights two - three times a week. My spine Dexa score was -4.5 two years ago - and hip was -2,7. I was freaked out at first - afraid if I sneezed my spine would break. After lots of research I believe bone strength is more important then bone density. The Dexa machine manufacturer and the pharmaceutical companies set the guidelines - for profit. I started taking take 2000 iu of D, K2, multivitamin, and b complex two years ago - have never felt stronger. This may not work for you or others - but knock on wood - it has worked for me. Wish you the best!
Thanks for posting! I have same spine but -3.6 in hips. I am starting all of that and I am on the lookout for a screen that shows my bone Strength.
That is excellent that you are so active! I, too, am interested in bone strength screen..like kannosteostrong's reply. My numbers are similar to yours and I have the same fears. I am curious to know if you've had another DEXA since you have started your vitamin regimen. Also, Margaret Martin at Melioguide has several YouTube exercises for osteoporosis. I have not looked at all of them, but she appears to be knowledgeable and I know there is one for active people with osteoporosis that may be of interest. All the best!
Hi I am getting a dexa scan next year. They weren’t going to give me a dexa scan since I refused injections but didn’t want this. My oncologist has said she’ll arrange for me to have as I said it was my choice and what is best for my body. I would still like to see if my way of doing things are getting better or not worse fingers crossed 🤞. I have seen Margaret Martin exercises on you tube some of them pretty gentle. I’m going to try again slow jogging but alternating with walking and see if this helps. But not too fast. I take adcal3 and vitamin k2 and magnesium pills . I have had breast cancer which didn’t help because I got letrozole which causes thinning of the bones but all good now except for this osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis. Take care hope you get something sorted out🤗
I follow her as well! She is very informed and informative.I am looking for the echo light ultra sound - in the Midwest USA
I see there is one in uk I think free to get it done but I live nowhere it. Presume you have to pay in USA
No, it isn't available on the NHS (DEXA scans only), so we have to pay if we want a REMS scan in the UK, only available privately.
Thanks for that a bit misleading when I googled echo light ultrasound. I’m getting one next year NHS 🤞
I read it on the orchard clinic headline , maybe I haven’t read it properly.
Hi thanks for your information. I have had osteoporosis since I got breast cancer and the pill I got didn’t help (letrozole) which causes thinning of the bones. I tried alecdronic acid but hurt my stomach as with risedrinate. They wanted to give me a yearly injection but refused as had a lot of drugs in my time with breast cancer chemotherapy and hercerptin. I am getting a dexa scan next year .I take adcal 3 which is 600mg calcium carbonate and 400 I.u. Vitamin d. Twice a day and vitamin k2 and magnesium once a day. Here’s hoping 🤞 this works. Am going to give slow jogging another go but alternating with walking. Thanks 🙏
Thanks for your details but could you recommend how to start basic exercise?
I’m not qualified to give exercises as all osteoporosis different . I just do 30 mins walking brisk walking and exercises recommend by osteoporosis websites or Margaret martin at melioguide YouTube on YouTube Japanese slow jogging but it will all depend how severe your osteoporosis is . As I say your osteoporosis doctor would be best person qualified to ask. Take care🤗
I don't jog, but if it's gentle enough (ideally on dirt or grass, not concrete), I think jogging should help, not hurt. Spinal compression fractures are usually from 'plopping' into chairs or from bending forward, not jogging. Just a caution on taking Vitamin D. Check your blood levels first. Turned out my Mom's level was too high, after she had been taking 1,000 IU's plus another 1,000 IU's in her multivitamin. As for a bone-strength measure, ask for REMS. It's more available in UK, I think, than in the USA.
Hi I will give slow jogging a shot again alternating with walking. I take adcal 3 in the uk and vitamin k2 and magnesium pills. I have bloods taken frequently and all ok. Can’t say I’ve heard of REMS will have to google it. I was just wondering before I had spinal compression fracture in back I was jogging a lot and it’s weakened bones when I coughed it was a pretty bad cough at the time. I don’t really bend forward bend at the knees. It could have been anything . Mine is mostly on concrete as well so that won’t help . Take care 😊
REMS is not available on the NHS yet. Met00 on the Health Unlocked Bone Health site has had one. If you haven’t already, popover and join that site too, The link to her post is below. These scans are supposed to be more accurate than DEXA’s as there are fewer variables than with DEXA’s.
Mine is -3 in the hip which She said was the worse one. I’ve got to start somewhere as I broke my ankle and wrist and was off my feet for a couple months and lost any muscle I had. Arthritis and stenosis makes me really stiff. I tell myself I have to…..I cannot give up at 63 and sit down the rest of my life. It is disheartening sometimes. Thank you for your advice
I’m in the UK too and thought a couple of things:
I don’t want to worry you about the hip pain but am throwing this in as you didn’t say a lot about it. I was a runner until 2.5yrs ago when I broke my neck of femur 24.5 miles into a marathon. A couple of weeks before I had noticed a deep ache that went from my inner groin to outer hip (only once) and after that a few times if I twisted or moved awkwardly I got a quick sharp pain, there was no pain on running or at any other time so I didn’t think anything of it and carried on.
The other thing I noticed was the AdCal. Have you calculated how much calcium you get in your diet before taking AdCal? I was put on that on leaving the hospital after my fracture (repaired with a dynamic hip screw). On looking at my diet I generally get enough calcium without taking the daily 1200mg in the tablets so my Osteo Consultant agreed that I should take calcium and vitamin d separately, only taking calcium when necessary. Again, this is only my experience and I haven’t had/have your other health issues, and have no medical training, so is only me “poking my nose in”. Best wishes
Hi thanks for that very good information.my hip is sore on outside and sometimes groin. And hip is also sore on other side as well. Mine is sore walking as well just now bu noticed last time it got a bit better with walking, I think I will stick to walking just incase it feels like my sacroiliac joint involved with it as its sore when back and hip sore. .I have been walking 5 km most mornings and 10 km Sundays. Partner thinks I'm walking too much and going to fast maybe overstriding. So I am trying to slow down and go a shorter stride. I will keep an eye on it after what u said. I probably don't get a lot of calcium as I can't take dairy I am dairy free and wheat free. I really appreciate your help. I presume your not running anymore? Take care
I’m glad your symptoms are different to mine and from what you say I think you have the answer - slower and think about your stride. I am not running any more on Osteo and Orthopaedic Consultants advice and I still miss it. I did take up Nordic Walking which, I believe, helps the whole body and gives some support as well as “plain” walking.
I’ve found several helpful You Tube channels for exercises too. Among them Margaret Martin, Yes2Next and Silver Sneakers. I also like Tai Chi, especially the Tai Chi Health Products channel. I have put a link below to a shortened version of one I started with. There is a 20min version.
Thanks for all the information. I am a bit wary still with my figures so high but that was 3 years ago, you never know might have reduced but I am not being complacent . Will have to wait till next year to find it. I will have a look at all these other websites you have given and hopefully you too other folk looking at this website will see the ones you have mentioned as well. 🙏
Thank you for sharing, Annie. That dull ache in the groin is a classic symptom of a femur fracture in progress. It's a slow-developing fracture, so if anyone experiences a similar symptom, please go get an X-ray and other imaging so it can be addressed before the fracture is complete. This injury occurs rarely in people who have been on certain osteoporosis medications for more than 5 years (it's called an atypical femoral fracture or AFF; atypical because it's not caused by injury or overuse).
If only I knew then what I know now! The look the Osteo and Orthopaedic Consultants gave me when I gave that symptom spoke volumes. The fact that life can carry on in this situation without pain, especially running distances led me into a false sense of security. I dare say had I not done the marathon it would have gone some other time. At least this way there were people around and I wasn’t out in the country without a phone as was often the case!
Just to say I “only” had, and still only have osteopaenia. I’m managing to hold steady (according to DEXA scans) so no meds at the moment.
Thanks . I haven’t taken bisophonates for years as refused. Only took alendronic acid for 7 months and stopped it was hurting stomach too much. Risedronate only a week it hurt as well. Only take vitamin k2 and Adcal3 and magnesium. If groin or hip gets worse I will ask for an X-ray but trying to get appointment in uk not easy. I appreciate all your help and hopefully help others as well
Your description of hip pain is exactly like what I’ve tried to explain. It started out of the blue and it is when I wake up and get on my feet. Then periodically a twist or move sets it off. Your info is appreciated
See Mark’s reply below. Do get it checked. I didn’t realise what was happening and ended up in hospital miles from home needing surgery. Had I had it checked out I wouldn’t have been running a marathon 😀. Another 20mins or so and I would have finished, got the medal and t-shirt and gone home. As it was I had a hospital stay, 2.5months off work and a nice scar on my thigh, oh, and a good story. The good thing was that when it broke it didn’t hurt- until I moved! Do get yours checked. Hopefully it will just be one of those things that wear off.
Hi Doris8, thank you for sharing your personal experiences. Here are some good resources about safe exercise with osteoporosis. americanbonehealth.org/exer...
You'll want to avoid certain kinds of stretching, bending and twisting to help prevent vertebral fractures. But it's vital to keep working on muscle strength, flexibility and balance in order to prevent falls. Even with your low bone density scores, the best way to avoid fractures is to keep from falling.
Good luck!
I’m so glad you provided this link. I’m looking at all the information I can find.
Hi Doris8, Was your osteoporosis caused by the chemo and/or Herceptin? What chemo drugs were you on? I am still having radiation but start Herceptin in February. I am a tennis and pickleball player. I am concerned about osteoporosis, neuropathy, etc. preventing me from playing.
Hi I was on 5-fluorouracil(5FU). Then radiation and 1 year of herceptin. No side effects of chemo. Worked all the way through my treatment . I was on letrozole for the breast cancer was well for about 9 years and it can be bad on joints which didn’t help. Also I was on stomach pills for GErd omeprazole and was told to stop taking them. But all doctors are different. I dont take any pills for osteoporosis just vitamins as on earlier post. Can’t get dexa scan as refused to to take injection , but doesn’t mean to say other folk will cope with them. I just had side effects. It will depend on your t scores as well how your bones are. I am very slim and petite as well and that can affect bones as well. I know where I live somebody got same treatment bas me and they never got osteoporosis. I jog now and again but mostly walking now. Hope u get on well with your treatment , and get back to your sport . You’re very brave. Xx