Have Osteo and take Prolia Injections for the last three years. When I lay down at night to sleep my hips hurt if I lay on my side. What can I do?
Hips hurt: Have Osteo and take Prolia... - Osteoporosis Support
Hips hurt
I think a lot of people have hip pain when lying down, OP or not. Have you tried the usual solution of using a pillow to provide support for the upper leg?
I found I had to start sleeping on my back (also with a pillow under the knees) which is a nuisance as I know it makes me snore, but I guess I'm just getting even with my partner for his many years of disturbing me with his snoring. Also a new mattress has helped. We always automatically used to buy the most firm one available. This time I said we should try the medium one, and it has proven to be a lot more comfortable for me.
All that being said, have you told your doctor? It may be something which physio may benefit but you really should be checked as you are on a serious medication.
I can't sleep on my right hip due to Osteoarthritis,so I always sleep on the left side in the position that Heron suggests, with a pillow under my upper leg. Now the arthritis is making my ankles lock and it really hurts to move them.
I slept on my side most of my life and long before osteoporosis my hips were too painful to continue and I now have to sleep on my back. It’s been several years and I still want to roll to my side. It’s harder to fall asleep on my back. I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis this year and am not taking meds. I’ve increased calcium in diet, added supplements I learned about here and elsewhere and added exercises to build bone. I used the pillow between my knees for several years and it worked well for awhile. You might try it. My physical therapist said it was best that you use a pillow that extends and also keeps your ankles apart. Hope things improve.
I found that a good foam mattress topper helped a lot. I hate sleeping on my back but did find a comfortable to do it by building myself a little "nest." The key was raising my a bit and then using pillows under both forearms/elbows. It's much more comfortable and helps you stay in place. (I then continued to improvise with pillows down both sides of my body. I found I could bend and rest/prop my knees to either side comfortably without actually turning over onto my hips)
I've heard that changes in estrogen levels can increase pain in the hips. But, it would be a good idea to let your Prolia doctor know incase it could be related.
If I sleep on a mattress that is too hard, it hurts my hips. Otherwise, if the mattress is not too firm, I do fine. Also, I do sleep with a pillow between my legs when on my side. This is my experience. Hope it helps and that you find a solution that works for you.
someone I know had same reaction . she stopped prolia and magically the pain vanished.