I saw a mention recently of a bat wing pillow. I'd never heard of them before. I use a wedge pillow which is helpful for reflux but not good for my neck and shoulders. The bat wing pillow looks like it might be a good solution for my neck and shoulders but I'm less certain how helpful it might be for reflux. Does anyone out there use one? Does it help your reflux? And if so do you put normal pillows underneath it or use the bat wing pillow on its own?
Bat wing pillow: I saw a mention... - Acid Reflux Support
Bat wing pillow

Hello, I suffer with nightime reflux and tried a wedge pillow but it was too hard and uncomfortable so I ordered a bat wing pillow from Amazon (they are about £15) and it has been wonderful. I put a normal pillow under it and one behind it then adjust the Bat wing pillow to a comfortable position so I sleep on my back slightly propped up. I have found it a great help. Regards.
Can you sleep on your side with a bat wing pillow. I cannot sleep on my back and found a wedge pillow too hard and uncomfortable.

Hello, you can sleep on your side as they are quite soft but still fairly supportive. I still sleep partly raised though.
I could not cope without mine. I take it with me on holiday too. I have a pillow beneath it and I snuggle well into the bat wing pillow. It really helps.