Hi, I'm having an endoscopy next week and I'm terrified, I'll be asking to be sedated but can anyone tell me any experiences that weren't too bad? I'm worried ill fight it going down my throat and they won't be able to do it! Thanks
Positive endoscopy stories: Hi, I'm... - Acid Reflux Support
Positive endoscopy stories

I've had loads of these. When the nurse says "Swallow" and I start to gag, that's when the sedative goes in. Next thing I know I'm back on the ward, with no recollection of the procedure. I always feel groggy afterwards, but the job's done! I hope it goes well for you.
Hello, ive had 3 in 2022
As soon as they put the sedation in i dont remember a thing until recovery
Its very....quick
Honestly it is fine + you will be fine🤗
Awww thanks that's made me feel better!
I felt the same with the 1st one, its the unknown...its a breeze now!
The throat spray i dont have or like - you dont have to have it
See what they say ok.. but certainly dont worry ok
Im having a Nissan Fundoplication hernia operation on the 26th & im scared😱😩
Good Luck🍀
Yes you're right and things aren't as bad we build them up to be. Sending positive thoughts and hope you have a speedy recovery. Just think about the posivites and you'll be symptom free after the surgery!
I had sedation and knew nothing of the procedure each time. I personally would not attempt it without sedation. People do manage without sedation but why put yourself through it without if you are unsure. Best wishes.
I’ve had an endoscopy done twice now. First time without sedation and it was an awful experience. Second time was with sedation and I was terrified but once the sedation kicked in, I woke up on the recovery ward feeling so relaxed and didn’t remember a thing. Would definitely never do without sedation again, it was a whole different experience. You will be fine.
Hey nothing to worry about at all, I’ve had a couple and after being wheeled in basically nothing then until it’s all over, haven’t had a sore throat or anything. Hope all results are good!
I was exactly the same with identical fears but once that sedation was in it was a breeze! Don’t remember anything awful at all and it’s done so fast I was home before I knew it!
i had one in November and was also very nervous. But I needn’t have been. It was so quick and easy. They sedated me and i was so relaxed i didn’t mind anything. I easily swallowed the camera down. It’s a natural reflex to swallow it as it touches the back of your throat. Over in minutes. Fingers crossed you will find it very easy too. The sedation they use these days makes all the difference. You will hopefully be happy out 😌❤️👍
I wasn't even asked if I wanted sedation they just sprayed my throat with a banana tasting spray.I did gag all trough but over in a couple of mins.You can go straight home after.
I was so worried too when I had one so went for sedation - it was fine. I’m a very nervous person so was petrified about having it done and like you I was worried I was going to ‘fight it’ too but as you’re sedated you wont. You don’t feel anything- it was all over pretty quickly too. If you’re sedated you hardly know they’re doing it. Hope all goes well.
I have had several with no problems at all. The sedation means the procedure is soon over without recollection. You will be fine.x
Thanks everyone feel so much better now!!
I felt anxious too but I had superb treatment. I had the sedative and joked with the doctor that he could give me as much sedative as he wanted. I remember looking at the machinery and then waking up in a recovery bed with no memory of anything. Please don't worry. Hope it goes well for you.
Had first one without sedation and it wasn't very nice at all but next two times had sedation and it was so much better don't remember anything about it would never go without sedation again. You will be fine.
I've had three without sedation as I didn't want to feel groggy afterwards. From what everyone on here says I'd say have sedation. If I have another I think I will next time. It really isn't as bad as you think it's going to be. All the best.
Had two without anaesthetic. Hold tight to the nurse’s hand. It doesn’t take long at all! Good wishes.
I’ve had it with and without sedation. I’ll always have sedation in future. Much much easier. It’s worth it to find out what’s happening down there. Hope all goes well for you.
Ask for an ultrasound.
Its better to have sedation and you won’t feel a thing. Its over in a blink. Another reason of doing it sedated is because, during Endo, the doctor will take biopsy samples for Helicobacter pylori or presence of polyps..it may be a bit painful if not under sedated.
Hi all, had my gastroscopy this morning and the sedative syringe leaked so it didn't really work and I felt the whole thing! Had a little panic but it was over very quickly so the uncomfortableness didn't last long. Everything looked normal, no hernia and h. Pylori negative but they did take some samples so will wait to hear back from them. Confused as to how my reflux felt so bad but no obvious signs of damage but pleased with the results and that it's over. Thanks everyone for their comments they really helped me feel less anxious beforehand!