Hello. Could someone please give me some advice. My baby is really struggling with his wind. After every feed and in intervals I wind him and always ensure it comes up but he is really struggling with trapped wind and it is keeping him awake. At points he goes red in the face as if he is trying to squeeze it out. He also can go a day without pooing which I’m worried about. I’ve tried infacol and I am now using Colief, does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do for him? He is currently on Aptamil advanced if this makes a difference.
Baby Feeding: Hello. Could someone... - Ask Norfolk Parents
Baby Feeding
Good afternoon Elily22.
How old it's your little one?.
This sounds similar to what happened with my little boy, we was always getting wind up but I couldn't put him down as he was go red he was always crying and I could only get him to sleep if he was on me, we tried swapping formula with the health advisor support we were on SMA and moved to aptamil, this helped a little but we were still having issues, we tried infacol but this didn't help, we went to the doctors who believed it was reflux, we were given gavison powder that we put in his milk. He was on it until 12 months weaning helped.
Obviously every child is different so I can only say what helped us. Your health advisor or a GP can determine if this is the correct path for you, (please speak to them before trying this)
I think with this it did affect his bowel movements but we just kept and eye on them and how often he went.
I hope this helps please let me know how you get on.
Hi Elily22
How are things going?
I was just thinking more and I said about formula changing but it may be a teet issue too.
And also may be worth trying a baby massage or tye cycling of the legs too..
Be nice to hear from you