Hi all, any advice needed please. Butch is having problems swallowing his food and even his drinks is this normal?
Problem Swallowing before treatment - Oesophageal & Gas...
Problem Swallowing before treatment

Sometimes the surgical joint develops scar tissue, and this needs to be stretched a bit (sounds awful, but they do it with an endoscope and it is often uncomfortable rather than painful). But do contact the specialist nurses and have it checked out.
So the answer is - not unusual, but always needs attention!
Best Wishes

Alan, thank you for this info will definitely contact the specialist nurse we have number for at hospital.
Yes it sounds like stretch time. I have lost count of the number I have had! Most people might need just 1 or 2 -if any, but some (like me) need to have them a few times a year.
They are a nuisance, and you might feel a bit rough for a couple of days but don't worry about it,
you are soon able to eat normally again.
If you need any more info then check out what I have written in the past.
Good luck with it!
I too have had too many to count and I tend to have them every 4-6 months - I know when one's due as everything feels tight again and swallowing gets trickier. I think it's down to gradual contraction over time from the surgery in that part of the throat (I'm sure it will take many years to heal fully).
I'm so used to them now that they don't bother me at all - just a pain to get to the hospital and then have to be driven home and looked after for a few hours due to the sedation.
The only problem I get afterwards is a bit of pain in the throat where the scope has done its thing but it's really not a big issue.
All the best,