I am 5 years post chemo and OC surgery . I have been very lucky in that I haven’t suffered reflux unless I lie very flat or tip over ( like when gardening , or yoga) So I took myself off the PPI’s originally prescribed and doctors were happy about it. However recently I have noticed I’m nauseous early morning, and often through the day. Could this be silent reflux? ( I can’t taste any acid ) Anyone had similar experience? I will of course resume the PPI to protect myself if necessary but they do have side effects, and I am 67 with osteoporosis……
New nausea symptoms: I am 5 years post... - Oesophageal & Gas...
New nausea symptoms

Hi am 6 yrs post op & have suffered from reflux since the surgery & take a daily PPI. Cant really advise but I do get very rarely random bouts of nausea. Not sure what causes this but I put it down to maybe bile reflux which does happen as there is nothing to stop bile back flowing upwards now. It's a joy! It causes back wash & I feel like vomiting. Even though its not acid Gaviscon advance calms it down or eating something like a mint. It is horrible when these new things crop up.
Thankyou. Yes the nausea is increasing the time I have to sit still after eating too. I’ve never actually been sick since the op… wonder if I ever will be- it all heads the other way at speed if I’m not careful.
i would ask for an endoscopy if you have stopped them for any length of time and have symptoms of reflux, see whats happening .
I did same and have now got barratts which was only discovered after a routine endoscopy, 5 years after my op. I had no symptoms and get reflux occasionally, normally when not sleeping in my bed, change of routine, lying flat or eating too much. i always thought it would be impossible to get Barrats after the op. Good luck take care
I am 7 years post op and still taking Protonix. Every once in a while I wake up and have that same nauseous feeling.
I have a prescription for Zofran, 5 mg at home and I dissolve one under my tongue. In about 5 minutes the nausea is gone. Usually for the rest of the day.
It only happens a few times a year. I don’t know what kicks it off, but it can ruin the day if I don’t try and get rid of it
BTW, I sleep in a recliner for the last 3 years and I don’t experience that awful reflux since moving to the recliner previous to that I tried the adjustable bed, but that didn’t take care of the reflux like the recliner did
It could be the accumulation of toxic drugs over the years though I would advise, as someone else has, to ask for an endoscopy. Good luck