Hi all
1 year post IL I had surgery for a diaphragmatic hernia. Now 1.5 years later a ‘huge’ hernia is back and requires further surgery.
Has this happened to anyone else?
Hi all
1 year post IL I had surgery for a diaphragmatic hernia. Now 1.5 years later a ‘huge’ hernia is back and requires further surgery.
Has this happened to anyone else?
I had Ivor Lewis surgery 16 years ago and after 2 years an incissional hernia appeared on my scar line. My surgeon at the time asked if I could live with it i.e. it was causing no significant problem and I then lived with it for 14 years including many sporting activities, golf especially. Throughout that time whenever I played sport I put on my own home made truss of micropore and a pad on the hernia but this might have made me feel more comfortable and did not really do much. At the beginning of this year I experienced some abdominal pains which the consultant ascribed to the effect of the hernia and I have recently had it repaired. When I mentioned my original surgeon's reluctance to treat it 14 years ago he reminded me that surgical practices have developed considerably since then so you should be better placed. I am looking forward to returning to golf in 2/3 weeks from now.