I’m 69, had my COVID 19 booster 8 days ago. (First two vaccines were Astra Zeneca) I’ve had 24/36 hours of feeling hot, very tired and very headachy following this booster. Then I developed light headedness/feeling brain foggy and generally weak and still very tired. Rang GP who cited recent chest infection, 2 lots of antibiotics, short steroid tablets course then flu jab and now vaccine booster as body’s reaction to a lot going on in a five week ‘window’. But I am still somewhat anxious and wondered whether anyone else has experienced similar side effects beyond the 24-36 hours post vaccine? It’s not getting any worse now but it doesn’t seem to be getting better either. (For context I have asthma, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and GORD/Hiatus hernia and Barrett’s Oesophagus, for which I take daily med of one sort or another)
Thanks for reading 🙂