Hi, I recently had the very strange experience of a doctor taking me seriously, due to having very high ferritin results from blood tests, and because I have oesophagitis (longstanding) and somewhat irritated lungs presently (change of meds and aftermath of cold) she has put me through for a test to stick a camera down my gullet and see what's going on. The downside of having a doctor who actually cares!
Despite having oesophagitis for a long time and being on various acid blocking medications for years, I've avoided this test precisely because I'm scared of it.
I get super anxious just having a telephone appt with a doc, so I am absolutely dreading this. I have no support network, I'm on my own, which just makes the fear worse.
How bad is this? (Be honest please!) And more importantly, do they medicate you? I mean tranquillizers. I greatly fear a panic attack and simply not being able to get through it. Is there anything I can ask for to make it easier? Any advice from anyone who has had one most gratefully accepted. Thanks!
P.S. Absolutely sure this test has a nice name but I can't for the life of me remember what it is. I keep getting ERCP, but I think that's just for gallstones!