Hello all, firstly I just want to say how good it is to be here and thank you all for sharing your journeys. I’ve spent some time reading past posts that have helped me a lot.
I was diagnosed with Stage 2 N0M0in November 2 days before my 51st birthday. I had chemoradiotherapy for 5 weeks that went well and IL surgery 7 weeks ago. I was discharged from hospital 7 days after surgery. I struggled with pain at first, the epidural didn’t work on my right side so I was is considerable discomfort. My recovery is going well though now, my husband has been an amazing support and looked after me well. I eat little and often and up to now have had no problems with any food. I do get reflux at night sometimes because I slide down from my sitting position. I’m walking 2 miles most days. If I feel a little fatigue I have a rest day. My only problem is a cough and tightness in my chest. I feel like I need to take a deep breath but when I do I cough. Is this normal? Thanks for reading and it’s good to have somewhere to come and ask people who understand what I’ve been through.