Pete update pete is now home he has finely spent 2 nights in his own bed he is not doing bad but lastnight he wasn't very good he was up most of the night with what he called asid he was bringing up rubbish and his chest was rattling hope that doesn't happen often he has appointment with the sergen on Wednesday so we will have some questions for him like if he should still take his tablets in feeding tube or by mouth lol
Update on pete : Pete update pete is... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Update on pete

Hi Valerie, is Pete sleeping in a sort of Upright sitting position with lots of pillows or an adjustable bed.
I found a reclining chair best for a while after coming home.
He should not lie flat, you can get wedge pillows, v pillows, or just build a mountain of them, some times bricks under the bed head helps,
Don’t eat too much at any one time. A saucer size serving, or a yoghurt pot of soup is plenty at any one time. But you can eat that much 7 or 8 times a day . As the gut get used to food you can eat more. Don’t eat before bed time and remember your gut works on gravity. So at some point you need to walk around a few times a day. Just nibbling all day is better than set meals. It’s very easy to eat too much and overload the system when you get home. We all do it and learn from it. Take care really pleased he is home for you both.
Cheers Lizzy
Yes we have adjusted beds and he has nothing to eat after 6pm we are going to see consultant on Wednesday so we will see what he says pete has done this ever since the operation even when nill by mouth x
Hi Valerie, that’s a nuisance god bless him.
Great that he is going to see his consultant.
A few things people in our support group tried as every one is different were
Only take liquid or dissolvable medicines. No painkilling Tablets unless they are of the dissolve-able kind.,
Zoltán Fas tab or similar as a PPI, They are orally dispersible.
Boiled sweets, Sugar free if it doesn’t upset the tummy to keep the dentist happy. Suck them at night when you get an attack. Favourites were licorice, aniseed, ginger, minty ones, but whatever worked best for you. One friend swore by chocolate limes.
At night I always had a drinking yoghurt next to the bed which after A slug of Gaviscon followed by a dissolvable painkiller in water, I would then sip and then if it still was causing problems, I’d suck boiled sweets. Some people sipped herbal teas, others ate ice cream. Whatever helped and worked for you. Took the pain away. Every one is different and maybe nibbling something light before bed would help. I would sometimes have a mini milk ice lolly. Or a mini magnum.
I hope this helps it is very uncomfortable, I can remember being at my wits end with the discomfort but it did calm down and happened only occasionally. It now is normally tied to much food at once. 10 years on you would think I had learnt
Take care Lizzy
I wish him well and a speedy stable future , and also for you Valerie be strong ❤️
Hi, glad to hear he is home. Does he take Gaviscon Advance. This might help just before bedtime. Everything is trial and error learning what you can eat and when.
Best Wishes
He has gaviscon but not doing much I think he has got another chest infection so I'm going to phone doctors today
Hopefully the dr will give him antibiotics. Best of luck.
Take care
Yes the doctor sent covid team out lol he hasn't got covid but has got pneumonia they have given him some antibiotics and steroids said he didn't need to go to hospital and should feal better in a few days x
I’m so glad he’s home. You have been on a roller coaster journey. Unfortunately the roller coaster will continue. My husband has been out of hospital 16 months and we still make mistakes with his food intake and pain management. This is a great community for help . This was the place I would come when at my wits end to understand if things were ‘normal’ look after yourself too.
Best wishes
Hope he is doing better. Xx