Well ups and downs pete is having the bluddy lot he has yet again another infection and he has another leek in his esophagus he has had 2 tests for covid 19 thankfully both ok he has had a blood transfusion and is still on antibiotics still nill by mouth still having oxygen and nebulizer he is having a scan tomorrow to see if he can have sips of water 7 weeks and counting he has lost 3stone in 7 weeks it's time he had a bit of luck now hopefully he will get home soon
Pete update : Well ups and downs pete... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Pete update

Hi there Valerie and Pete,
Can imagine how you both are feeling by now. Just hang on there, it's easier said than done. One day at a time.
Some of the patients underwent oesophagectomy unfortunately experience issues in healing the anastomosis, Pete sounds having same issues and; with consequent leaks and potentially sepsis requiring hospitalisation. It's just unfortunate thing. On the positive side its been detected in time and being treated, so let's focus on that very positive aspect.
It is obviously going to hurt on the weigh scale and with the sepsis repeated its deeper cut. Suggest focusing on the Jej intake to add nutrition and possibly some immune boosters.
Even when I get diarrhoea dumping for couple of episodes, it hurts me couple of kilos weigh scale immediately. But trust me thing will get better eventually. Have faith. Take a break if need be and regain the positivity to continue the journey together.
Also its greatly positive news that his Chinese virus tests returned negative. That's brilliant news.
Overall you both will get there. If you stop counting the days and weight, and focus on the winning the battle on the day itself, it may sustain your energy and mental well being sufficiently.
Good luck
Stay strong.xx
Hi there ,
I hope Pete starts to pick up. Must be very worrying in the present circumstances on top of what is a major operation. 3 stone is average weight loss for most people. He will be getting probably 12 hours of Jeg feed. I was put on it 8pm. To 8am.
Fingers crossed for good news.
Stay positive and well yourself
Best wishes
Dear Valerie, just a line to say I do remember the constant worry through from diagnosis, the chemo, the wait for decision to operate, the gradual recovery (fortunately relatively smooth in my h's case). But in this lockdown it must be so hard for you. Keep writing to us. At least on this site we do have some understanding of what you are going through.
Hi Valerie,
Pete's experience sounds similar to my own, a leak, infections, pnuemonia, oxygen, intensive care, blood transfusion, 5 weeks nil by mouth. That was all ten years ago when I was 70 but now I can't wait for my golf course to re-open. I'm still 4 stone lighter than before the op. but that's no problem, I'm sure Pete is over the worst now.
Thank you for your reply it is good to know that you recovered from what sounds very similar to pete he is a strong person and after the 2nd critical condition I think he is now on a up I hope hopefully he will have his scan again today and he will be able to have water mind it seems like he gets to the stage of have soup then bam back poorly this will be the 4th time we have bn at this stage so fingers crossed this is the last time and he can get food and get home hope all goes well for you and you can soon get back to golf x
Sorry to hear, I had pneumonia and chyle leak after op but no leak at the join thankfully, now 5 years on. Friend had op last year and had serious leak, sepsis and pneumonia and was on like support for 48 hrs. Is now nearly a year on , back at work and putting on weight. Hopefully your tunnel will see light soon
So sorry You are both going through this. I have been here with my husband & don’t really know how I coped looking back, but I did & he came through it. He has daily struggles though even now.
I’m wishing Pete all the very best, he sounds like he’s a fighter to go through it all & still be hanging on in there & that is what you must do for him, be strong . Big hugs, something we all need right now!
Thinking of you both 🤗💐
Goof luck Valerie n Pete. I hope u feel better and have better news after scan