I am aware of the preventative measures that can be taken to avoid acid/bile reflux but has anyone found a way of relieving the pain during these attacks? The burning in the ears, throat and chest is very severe and debilitating. I have tried gargling with cold water, sipping milk and Gaviscon ( probably a bit late once the attack has begun) but the awful pain persists. Has anyone found anything that helps them?
Suggestions for relief during a reflu... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Suggestions for relief during a reflux attack ?

I take a large Glug of liquid gaviscon double action and then eat a bowl of thick Greek yoghurt slowly. Make sure I’m sitting up, sometimes an extra ppl, soluble paracetamol. also clean my teeth throughly and rinse out my mouth with water. sometimes a slice of toast with lots of butter helps. No idea why but it works for me.
I sympathise. I suffered this for 4 years. We are told not to Eat spicy food. Well after 3 years of suffering, I thought to myself "what the hell, I am getting the problem, so if I am going to be ill anyway, I might as well eat what I like. So, I made myself a curry. It was delicious. That night I slept right through, without any bile reflux choking me. I make a point of eating curry at least every few days. I can even sleep lying flat now. I hope this helps. As for getting rid of the burning and bad taste. I have found that the biggest problem is when you have aspirated the bile. I get straight up and make myself a coffee. This helps flush out the bile. As for the bile in the windpipe and lungs. I was unable to cough it up, so I returned to smoking,. This makes my lungs produce mucus, enabling me to cough and the mucus brings up the bile. I used to suffer the burning in my throat and lungs for up to 2 hours. This is doing a great deal of damage to the respiratory system. Now it is got rid of in minutes. My doctor doesn't understand and keeps recommending I quit. I believe the bile/acid, will do more damage than smoking. But I think my doctor thinks I am just making excuses. Anyway food for thought. Good luck
You seem to have found solutions which work for you although I really don't want to try smoking as a cure. I do have spicy food but not as a conscious decision to avoid reflux... sometimes it's ok other times I get reflux so I don't think it is a prime trigger for me. Might try coffee although it is the last thing I fancy at the time. Thanks AlanWare for replying.
Do you have a recipe for that curry? If you're willing to pass it along I would appreciate it....thx!
It is really just basic. I use a carton of tomato juice. An inch of ginger and 3 cloves garlic. 4 red chilli with seeds removed. 1 jar chilli sauce. Half a jar of pataks mild curry past. That is the basic. But I add spinach and peas plus a few sultanas. I just simmer for about an hour. Then I portion it out to suit my new smaller stomach. It freezes fine. Then I prepare the. Meat. I alternate mutton shoulder and children. I cook it in a pressure cooker. This means I get very tender meat but without the fat. I also make Chinese curry. I hope you enjoy it and find the bile reflux is greatly reduced.
Good luck
Thank you very much....
Got a minute....? I'll take your Chinese recipe to
I just use a packet of Chinese curry powder. It doesn't have a name on the pack. But it is in a yellow packet and it is made here in the Midlands. I add plum sauce and soy sauce. I like to add hoysin sauce. I add peas (petit pio). I boil the rice with a segment of star anise.. Enjoy
I too suffer like this. When particularly bad I rinse out my mouth with water & then open Slippery Elm capsules & mix into yoghurt. This is soothing & I believe coats the throat to give it some protection. Hope this helps.
I find DGL liquorice (in uk can buy from Holland and Barratt) , it’s chewable to be very effective when taken if you feel an attack coming on . You need to follow dosage mind as too much isn’t good despite it being a natural remedy.
That’s true I used to suck sugar free aniseed twists they helped too. Since I moved I dont pass the sweet shop that sold them. Sugar free was my dentists suggestion.
Drink a glass of warm water then jump up and down on the spot as hard and high as you can or off a step 10 times whilst swinging arms above your head. Like you see in athletes doing long jump. This closes the oesophageal sphincter which causes reflux. Also heard a teaspoon of mustard helps.
This conjures up a wonderful image of myself . I did think that the upper oesophageal sphincter and the cardiac sphincter were removed during a full oesophagectomy The role of the cardiac sphincter being to stop the flow of material back into the oesophagus. I am glad it works for you. The mustard might work for me though. Thank you for replying as any suggestion is worth a try.
Hi I make hot ginger and lemon cordial bottle green. Because ginger is hot it takes off the acid burn. Also gin gins from Holland and Barret are good.
Best Debbie
If I wake from aspirating acid I will make up 2 ounces of water to a teaspoon of baking soda. Take a couple gulps of that, pour the rest in my palm of hand and snort that up my nose. This will put a little everywhere including lungs. God Bless..
Well actually most goes in your nose as you are snorting liquid and air. Only vapor makes it to your bronchial tubes. I used to get it on occasion where it would aspirate into my nose. That was the treatment when desperate. Good luck
After I screwed-up or whatever and the bile comes burning up my throat I drink cocoa cola....(coke.) One acid gets rid of the other. Then I follow up with slippery elm lozenges. I was told this by someone one on this forum and will be always grateful....so here's hoping I can pass it on.
I found it very interesting about the curry one person wrote to you.
I feel my reflux must be very slight. For years I have been aware of the onset of pain in chest, ears, back. It is almost as if I am 'warned' in some ways. I then sip cold water and that stops everything in its tracks. I never leave the house without a small bottle of water in case. The other way it shows is when eating I am aware of discomfort. I draw my shoulder blades together, throw my head back and usually frothy watery stuff is there to spit out, sometimes traces of food I have eaten. I am diagnosed as having achalasia but it really, up to now, has not been a huge burden. Sincere sympathy to those who suffer so much more.
Typically only happens when I'm asleep.
Typically I wake up "too late" i.e. the taste (you know the one I mean) is at the back of my throat and it's going to come up come what may....
If I catch it in time.... i.e. before it's actually in my mouth - a glass of diet coke REALLY helps to neutralise the taste and the sensation.
If I don't catch it in time (i.e. I'm in the middle of an episode) then getting downstairs (away from my long suffering other half) and heading to the toilet to cough it all up tends to be the only option. Then, once it's gone... a glass of diet coke really does clear out the taste and somehow neutralises things.
I find that I'm not in the mood to eat - however, eating something bland but that feels "pasty" in my mouth when chewing often helps - a butter scotch biscuit (if it hasn't got too much sugar in it), a few dry cheese crackers, an oatmeal cookie, etc REALLY helps to settle things down.
I used to use Gaviscon (and Tums) but found they didn't work. I've concluded that what I'm experiencing isn't always ACID reflux ..... Gaviscon treats ACID reflux, what I'm experiencing is BILE reflux which is actually basic/alkaline and not ACID at all..... diet coke (Ph of 2.32) is acidic and acids neutralise alkalines...... I'm not a chemist but this explanation works for me....
Like Alan (one of the first responses) I find spicy food helps.... was told not to eat it but I still do (life's pleasures). NOTE : this contradicts my (very basic) Alkaline vs. Acid comment above as Chillis are also Alkaline..... however,
Unlike Alan, a curry does not work for me (before my diagnosis I found that fenugreek and garlic when combined in a "wet" sauce caused me to have a "roiling" stomach - my dad's the same).... however, spicy food like steamed rice with chinese chilly oil stirred in, some fresh chopped red chilli with whatever I'm eating, (you get the idea) really does help.
How is your reflux now..have you found the best solution?
I haven't had a reflux attack for a couple of months now and that episode wasn't too severe. I do take Omeprazole and Famotidine ( recently ranitidine ) as pharmacy couldn't get Famotidine. Now he can't get either of the two latter so will see what G.P. suggests as an alternative. I have reduced Omeprazole to just one daily at night with a gulp of Gaviscon Advance. Famotidine in the morning . I think I may have identified the trigger as eating nuts in the evening. I do eat nuts and raisins as part of my lunch, as a good way of getting in protein, and that seems fine.
Thank you for asking Bernadette but I still haven't found the solution to suit me for easing the pain during an attack yet.