I have developed acid reflux since starting amitriptyline a few years ago, it may just be a coincidence but I have read that it can weaken the muscle at the top of the stomach. Has anyone else had experience with this; and does it resolve if you stop taking the medication?
Has anyone had acid reflux as a side ... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Has anyone had acid reflux as a side effect of amitriptyline or another Anticholinergic medication?

I recently spoke to a GI hes written to my GP reflux secondary to Amitryptilin and suggested I should come off it. It obviously causes something
That’s interesting, thanks for your reply. Did you suffer from reflux before the amitriptyline? And did the GI have to do any tests to determine the cause?
Yes. I dont knowing it delays stomach emotying or prolongs it. No hes not doing any unnecessary procedures at mo but wants to do I think a manometary and esophagitis test to check acid levels and how well esophagus working. All I've noticed since I've stopped it is i no longer get a tight band all around my middle after eating. Yes I agree with Mauser1905 OPA.ORG has sone good info and will send you free pamphlets. I was on Amitryptiline only 10 mg and just stopped. Had dreams that's all but I'm on other meds too. It's a decision you alone can make. Friend of mine takes it for sleep 25g not many GPs use it for depression. Some use low dose for pain . Good luck
Best advice would be fron your pharmacist and GP who has your file.
Also please note that sudden withdrawal from amotriptyline has severe side effects, so before trying to do on your own suggest seek advice from your prescriber.
Offcourse the pharmacist will be kind enough to do your whole medicine review and then both of you can feed it to your GP and revise, amend, reduce etc.
Acid reflux on its own is a huge topic and suggest if you can go through the Oesophagel Patient's Association's website opa.org.uk
Reflux awareness is what you would like to inform yourself bout on the website and see what other lifestyle things ongoing in your life which could be reviewed as per the awareness advice. I understand its a headline of oesophageal cancer, but please do not be startled, acid reflux awareness information is what you need for now.
Good luck.
Have been taking amitriptyline for 15 years as prescribed by my gastro consultant and it definitely helps stop reflux. Different people have different experiences to others. Ann - Australia
Yes indeed, all bodies have different reactions and responses to the combinations of the medicines they are taking along with their unique comorbidities. Sometimes underlying issues are not necessarily known to the patient nor the team at that moment.
Perhaps it is helping with anxiety and its trigger is helped by amitriptyline. This may in conjunction with a ppi show favourable result, where GERD is almost triggered due to anxiety issues.
Having said that high chances are the pain is masked with the root cause of the GERD potentially untreated. If not GERD, long term prescription for such a strong pain killer may have its associated risks to benefits observed.