Has any got Drop Foot from chemo and IL surgery complications. Did it get better? How did they treat it?
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Drop Foot

I had drop foot in the ITU where I was for a month. I remember seeing Ankle-Foot-Orthosis, like big moonwalker boots and a comfort shoe inside of it. This was due to muscle paralysis done to me intentionally to hook me to ECMO machine. With physio I have regained the muscle functions back.
Hi. Post op I had a strange walk. My left foot sort of came down with a kerflump each step. It took a while but walking every day built up muscle and I got back to normal after a few weeks. Hope that works for you too. But my advice is to do plenty of walking anyway. It really helped me. Haward
Hi there. My husband had the same 'kerflump' Haward mentions. When we asked the surgeons/chemo team, 'flat foot' is certainly not an uncommon side-effect . My husband was referred to the physio unit, and made just 2 visits, because... with the correct strengthening exercises, it went away quite quickly. So as Haward says... lots of walking will help, it's all about strengthening those muscles again. If you're worried, ask for a referral to physio. And they can help with giving you those exercises. They were nothing too strenuous, more stretching in specific ways. Good luck. Debs.
Hi Apricot4color My husband developed drop foot from being in ICU 6weeks and after complications with Ivor Lewis op. He saw physio wore orthotic insert in oversized boots, did exercises given but none of this corrected this problem. He could still walk a bit unsteady mind, Hopefully you get help to improve this as we had to push for it as op was not done at our local hospital. They argued who was/should be responsible with helping him, hospital budgets come to mind. Good luck with a speedy recovery. Jinx
Hi Apricot4color
Yes I had this after my IL, kept on stumbling and stubbing my toe. The cure was walking and more walking, it took maybe a year before I was back to the tap-dancing.
Hayward and I are taking our double act on tour shortly........booking now for Leeds City Variety!
Hi!Yes my husband had dropped foot soon after IL but thankfully it improved after about 6 months . He also suffered numbness of his feet , unfortunately this hasn’t improved...hopefully with time this might . He was told that if it carried on after a year then they would refer him to a Neurologist as it was a trapped nerve quite common from the position and length of time on the operating table. Good luck with your foot !!