Hi Guys, hope everyone is in a good place this morning,well it has been Exactly 1 year since I had the op (trans-hiatial) over in Athens (I live in Crete) and I must say, I cannot complain at this moment considering the few people I know in the Unit, that never made it this far and the prognosis I was given at the start of this journey. I have had 6 months Chemo (3 days continuous per week) 3 moths of radiotherapy (3 days per week) however apart from the Usual pains/discomfiture/hair&nail loss (all grown back now) I seriously consider myself blessed that my last CT scan has come back clear of disease.
All I need to do now is find some Muscle definition (I lost 5 stone from diagnosis) so much more walking is a given for me.
As I said, pains etc you adjust to along the way,I am Lucky I can almost eat what I like (though Obviously Limited to the amount) but recently I have been getting the Occasional pain in my abdomen,now this pain can last up to 2 hours and I can honestly say it is truly agony, I have to control it with my breathing and I certainly cannot sit or lay down I think (being presumptuous) that I know what women go through having a baby. I was so scared the first time i had this pain that my wife called an ambulance however when the pain went after a couple of hours in the hospital,I felt such a fool, I thought that there was something amiss with the surgery. I have noticed that the pain has something to do with eating/drinking,maybe if I eat just that little bit too much,that's when It comes (not often just Occasionally) the last time it came was when I was so thirsty i gulped a glass of water the way i used to do before the op,again it lasted 2 hours. Obviously I have to work this out for myself but I was just wondering if others get into this dilemma. would appreciate you thoughts.