I am going to have transhiatal surgery very soon and I want to have as much information as possible , specially about the first weeks after op. Thanks
Can you share your personal experienc... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Can you share your personal experience after a transhiatal surgery? How was your postop ? Did you have postop. complications? Which ones?

Hi Trinta,
I didn't have any complications and the operation went well. The challenge I faced was accepting that I need to rest. Around day 4 they got me walking as this helps recovery.
Thank you jay2908. When did you get your operation? When did you start to eat solid?
The OPA do a booklet 'A Guide to Life after Surgery' and you will probably find this helpful. If you ring the helpline on 0121 704 9860 they will send you one.
There are a lot of people who have this surgery and do well afterwards, sometimes for many years / decades, and you can reasonably aspire to be one of them!
Trinta - really feel for you .I was beyond desperate for details/info about the op experience . Wish I'd known how good the painrelief would be and how excellent the care .
There are some good points here .
I didn't have complications .
Ask any question you like ,I can bore for England on the subject of my op and hospital experience . Sadly not that many people are interested .Can't think why !
trinta ,I started eating soft foods ( porridge ,mashed potatoes ,fish ) while in hospital .I think about 8 or 9 th day . I was still on liquid feeds through a j tube into my colon and taking fortified drinks ( Fortisip ) at the time .So no appetite to speak of .
Was allowed sips of water on day 3 or 4 after surgery while I was still in HDU . I thought I'd be terribly thirsty but I wasn't - whether because kept hydrated by drip /tube feeding or because hazy from drugs .
I had transhiatal surgery. Post operative recovery is very much an individual thing depending on the circumstances of each patient. Many advances have been made over the years since I had mine 20yrs ago.
I think the need to remember that it takes time for the body to readjust to all the changes is something most of us need to remember and find difficult. All the best Sally
Thank you violetqueen your answers, I appreciate very much all your comments and information. When did you have the op.?
sallym is so nice to hear that your experience was 20 years ago! thank you for share.