Acalasia, the loud noisy coughing disease, over the last 20 years until I was finally diagnosed I called it cough swallow disease. As we never had a name for it.
I have never lost any weight as I have been coughing and eating my food through my coughing for so many years I don't even think about it. My family and staff are so used to me coughing, even they don't take any notice. I have warned them all if my coughing goes really quiet then start worrying, come and bash me on the back. As I have now been told that is a nutcracker and I can choke to death, happy days!!
I am never worried about my condition as I have had it so many years and don't even think about it now, but I have now tried gluten free, PPI drugs, uncle tom cobbly but the best thing that I have found in years is peppermint oil in hot water ( from Health Food shops only ) not the chemist. I can eat bread again, I am happily eating a packet of crisps whilst typing, this has been the best thing in years !!
So if you have this embarrassing, stupid coughing disease don't worry, life is too short, just warn everyone that you have coughing disease and enjoy your life !!!
Don't worry be happy !!