Hi, is there anything you do to help keep your OCD under control?
Self-Help: Hi, is there anything you do to help... - OCD Support
OCD Support
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Hi there,
I am currently receiving treatment for my OCD but obviously most of the time it's down to me! I try to stay as busy as possible - whether that's with work, exercise, reading, etc etc. It doesn't always work but even if I can distract myself from the OCD for just one day then that's an hour's peace. My husband is also a great help - he can be the "voice of reason" when I'm in an OCD panic.
Hi there OCD comes in many different ways. I am at present awaiting help after 28 years. It helps if your partner or close friend can support you. How does this affect you? I find finally telling people I have OCD has been good for me. Take care Babycham
I do agree with mrs star...however, my therapist pointed out to me that keeping busy is just another addition to my safety behaviours and that in fact, I need to make myself comfortable with doing nothing. To start with, distraction works, but it won't work forever. In my opinion, the best thing you can do is to go to therapy, as you are an individual case and they will be able to help you to find out what helps you. My therapist has done me wonders. It all depends on what your compulsions are, for example a big one for me was keeping sharp things at a distance, and being extremly aware of any and all possible dangers. My therapist got me to hold, then play with and walk and talk whilst holding the biggest knife in my kitchen. Go opposite to your compulsions seems to be the biggest way to make an impact. My therapist described it as Anti-OCD behaviour...extremes, things nobody would normally do, but that will teach your OCD bully a lesson.
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