Hi, I believe I have OCD. I have intrusive thoughts and have to check things, like oven is turned off, taps, door is locked etc...if I don't check, I feel something bad will happen. I remember when I was about 13, I turned the bathroom light off, I then had a bad feeling that if I didn't turn it on and off 3 times, something bad was going to happen. This still happens and I'm 43 yrs old!! After having my 1 and only daughter I suffered with Post Partum psychosis. I was extremely ill and had to be sectioned in the end. I spent a month on a psychiatric ward and missed my Babies 1st Christmas. It was a very hard time, for my whole family but after 4 lots of E C T, Anti pysoctis and Sertraline. I made a full recovery! Was off all meds within 2 and a half hrs and held down a part time job. In summer 2019, I had what felt like a breakdown. I went to my G P and she put me back on Setraline. Once tablets kicked in I felt much better. My OCD has always been with me, but over the last few weeks, I feel it is getting in the way of my life again. I also suffer with extreme anxiety. I have regular check ups with my GP and been on various courses. I am already on the Post Partum Psychosis forum, but got excited when I found this one too. Sorry I have gone on MASSIVLY! Thank you for listening.
Kind Regards,
Anna x