Do you think i could have OCD?
I am a perfectionist when it comes to my work and even if i have one crossing out or my work looks messy i will rip the page/s out of the book and start it again. Sometimes i will not hand in my music compositions because it is not good enough and its not perfect. I also think i may be a little bit of a workaholic.
One of my teachers said she may think i have a little OCD and another asked me today if i'm okay because i seemed to have changed slightly even though he said "you are still your lovely self". He asked if anything was going on like stress and i said about how i haven't talked to a group of my "friends" for nearly two moths because i was not going to argue woth them and some stuff has gone on.
Is that a sign of OCD or a personality disorder? Someone noticed there has been a change in me, when i didn't even notice? I can't help thinking about that i seemed to have changed and is it good or bad?
He asked again about stress and i was saying i wasn't sure but it could be due to the exams.
However i do seem to be a big emotional, i don't want to talk to my family about it because they'll most probably thinking i'm being pathetic.