Hi everyone, I am new to this site and this is my first question / post. I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis in both knees about 4/5 years ago. I have had steroid injections in both knees in the past and have been putting off being put on the waiting list for surgery because I am frightened of my recovery. I have what I call "flares" in my right knee, never sure how this occurs - whether I twist it getting in or out of car or just somehow tweek it. At the moment I am in agony, finding it difficult to go upstairs and finding it very hard to bend my knee while walking. I feel as if my knee cap needs to pop back in place. I have co-codamol which doesn't help much. I have tried heat patches, hot & cold pads. Just wondered if anyone else has "flares" and how they cope. Thank you.
New here: Hi everyone, I am new to this... - Osteoarthritis Ac...
New here

Hi Jules1955 - I am guessing we are the same age as I was born in '55 as well. I have suffered with OA in my knees for some time and was having steroid injuections. Last year I had to give in and was put on the list for surgery as I could not take more than 3 steps without my left knee being in agony . I had a knee replacement on 4 December 2023 and have never looked back. It really was the best thing I have ever done. Most days I never even think about it being a replacement knee as it feels so natural. You never quite get the complete bend back that you had when you were younger but mine is at about 115 degrees which is more than enough. Of course I was full of trepidation before surgery as one would expect but provided you make the effort and do the rehab exercises and get walking asap it will all fall into place.
I am told that on x-ray the right knee looks just as bad and the surgeon put me on the list to have that knee done as well. However, it does not hurt as the other one did and I can walk easily so I have decided against having that one done yet. The appointment came through for 4th December this year and I opted out as I don't want to have surgery unless it is necessary and it means that someone else, who really needs the surgery as I did, can take my place.
Hi Miserere, thank you for your encouraging reply, we have been in contact before on the PMR forum. I have an appointment on 6th January and will ask to be put forward for surgery. I will let you know how I get on.
Jules x
Hi Jules, I too have knee pain with OA. I use 15mg co-codamol on normal days and 30 mg on pain days. The pain does flare up and then eases with OA. I have had injections which help. My husband has just had his knee replacement op and has done so well he is now fully mobile. Unfortunately, my knee is not bad enough for surgery so I just get on with it. I do sympathise with your predicament, I would go back to your GP and perhaps see another doctor who hopefully will be a little more sympathetic and will help you. Good luck Maximonkey