I am an active 79 year old located down in the pointy end of Cornwall, UK. I have led a healthy life except for the onset of Atrial Fibrillation at 65 (2010) and at 71 (2015), the onset of osteoarthritis in right knee. This is now just beginning to affect left knee but is all manageable at this stage.
What is now becoming unmanageable is pain occurring in both osteoarthritic shoulders. The right shoulder has been managed by a cortisone ( I think ) injection into the right shoulder joint on 1 April 2022. Bliss - until now.
My massive problem now is my left shoulder - producing pain .... beyond what I thought was possible. Whilst this is a grumbling process during the day and all very tolerable what is now impossible to deal with is disruptive sleep caused by my tossing and turning and ending up on my left side with the accompanying pain in my left shoulder ... major pain.
I have the misfortune to be registered with Britains greatest 'Don't care' GP Surgery where my GP doesn't even grant me a telephone discussion to discuss the opportunity of an similar injection into the left shoulder joint BUT rather sends a message via the Receptionist that I need to see a Physio as the first step. I have had one session with the surgery Physio and the next is on 5 December. By the way, my range of movement in my left shoulder is such that I can now no longer put on a shirt or a jacket without entering the world of amazing pain or without my wife helping me to dress and thus avoid the world of pain. Now the world of pain, the world of loss of sleep is - without doubt - affecting my otherwise good nature and personality. I am also seeing an Osteopath to help try and improve my range of movement. Over the years I have tended to get better results from an Osteo than from a Chiropractor.
So I have a number of thoughts I wonder if I can throw out there .... in the (new, post CoVid) British NHS is there a process, a protocol that needs to be followed from the point where you need to see a GP to when you actually see one to when a medically qualified healthcare professional sets in motion an approved treatment ... interestingly, thus far no one has discussed getting X-Rays !! My last lot of shoulder X-Rays for both shoulders were 2018 and more again 2020. none since.
Depending on the outcome of my next Physio meeting on 5 December I may go down the complaint route and probably the first port of call will be the Care Quality Commission - which have already written up an "uncharitable" report on this surgery of mine. I have no problem in suffering pain on the understanding I exercise my right to drag this surgery through an equally painful dispute process.
If anyone is able to offer suggestions on pain relief ... even the green, leafy stuff (CBD ) because I'm now getting so desperate to get sleep. If anyone wishes to offer me the benefit of their experiences in dealing with osteopathic pain I'd welcome it.
Thanks for reading my moan.