I've tried Voltaren, Duloxetine ( which did not stop the pain) Aleve, Tylenol, shot in the hip. I really don't want surgery, I'm 69. I even tried castor oil poultice.Id like just like to manage pain at night so I can sleep.... During the day when I'm up I can deal but nights are the worst.
OA in hip and right shoulder - Osteoarthritis Ac...
OA in hip and right shoulder

I don't why you dont want surgery. I had hip replacement last year as I couldn't endure the painful nights any longer. It was so worth it.
I’m 57 and also have OA in my hip. I like you did not want a hip replacement so put it off using strong painkillers such as Tramadol. I’m now in terrible pain and as well as having no cartilage left in my hip it’s also affected my nerves so am now on gabapentin also. Kim on the list got hip replacement but I wish I’d agreed when it was first suggested as it would have been done by now. If I was you and they are suggesting surgery agree to it as there is. Long wait and you don’t want to get to my stage before you agree☹️
Sorry, but don't understand why you wouldn't have an replacement when you are in so much pain - unless there is a medical reason why you cannot.
Things are only likely to get worse, and then any painkiller will be of little, or no use.
I've had 3 replacements - knee, hip and shoulder...and yes there are a few weeks of pain after each one, and some hard work to get muscles back in working order...but after that - brilliant...back to normal life - and good night's sleep .
Post I wrote on another forum.. but you should be able access and read.
I can relate. I have arthritis pain in my right hip, right shoulder (which had a surgery many years ago) and left shoulder, but the hip pain is the worst. You are so right that not being able to sleep is the biggest problem. I wondered if a cortisone shot would help as that was the only thing the osteo doc offered me. Now, after hearing your report, I will go on with my other attempts to help myself, so thanks for sharing all that you have.
I have gone to PT which helped somewhat with my hip, but the pain is not gone by any means. Ibuprofen does help me sleep better, but nothing I have tried really makes the pain go away. I am trying a vibration machine as I also have osteoporosis and hope the machine my help both issues. I hope you find some solution, so that at least you could get some shut-eye!
If your quality of life is suffering then get the surgery … wish we knew why you don’t want surgery.
Could you explain why you don't want the surgery? I had my first hip replacement a few years ago, at age 44yrs old, best thing I ever did, I'm currently waiting now for my next hip replacement. Unfortunately because I delayed going to the GP, the hip is so badly damage & it has damaged my nerves around the area.
It really is life changing, it can totally remove the need of any pain relief & believe me, not needing pain relief is the best thing.
Don't suffer unnecessarily - it is something that will only continue to get worse. The impact on your daily life can be huge, can leave you unable to walk at all, sleep can end up non existent because you can't sleep through the pain. It can also put pressure on other parts of your body as you compensate for the weakness in that hip, then you end up with more issues.
Take care of yourself & give some serious consideration into surgery.
Thank you,I will consider surgery but it's always my last thought.
Also noticed not one doctor actually cares anymore, takes months for appointments and even they really don't care to do anything. Makes taking care of myself à while lot harder.
Hi Que,
I was wondering, how have you been doing this last couple of weeks?
Have you given any more thought to surgery?
Doctors, yes it seems nowadays they don’t care so much. Years ago (at least for me in the areas I lived, we had family GPs, we always saw the same GP, that one doctor knew not just us personally but our whole family as well - which at times was useful, like identifying genetic links. We’ve Lost that personal element, having to repeatedly explain our conditions, receiving contradicting information & advice because different GPS have different views - even down to having a GP removing medication another GP has started, even removing a diagnosis, because they don’t agree with what another specialist., I no longer feel validated as a patient.
A little story as to how doctors are in my area Now. I went the GPs about back pain which had increased, changed, with some concerning new symptoms. I had spinal surgery 2019 & to my surgeons surprise it showed spinal cord damage. My surgeon said, “I don’t know what this will mean for you going forward” I wasn’t presenting as someone with that kind of damage, he didn’t know if that would change, I could lose function so any changes go straight back to my GP. So go to my GP, I did, he obviously hadn’t checked my notes before I went in, he told me nothing would be up, I was wasting his time, but he would send me (reluctantly) for another MRI, if they found anything he would be in touch. I heard nothing Six months later things were still getting worse so I went back, he proceeded to say, “well with what your scan says then your symptoms…etc etc” I won’t bore you with the whole conversation, but in short the MRI had shown quite a few significant changes, it should have been operated on straight away to minimise life time damage - the GP was so blasé to the fact no one contacted me, that the window had closed for the chance of reducing the damage it was causing
Yes I will have the surgery BUT, this has been on going for almost a year and have yet to give a date. Again doctors in the states don't care.... And it's takes weeks to months for an appointment, long enough so that if you truly are in need you may either be dead already, to the point where you are just waiting to die or like myself hoping to see someone before it's too late.
I have the exact same problem. I had my right hip replaced several years ago now my left hip is bad. It keeps me up at night too. I take naproxen sodium/Aleve but not real helpful. I’ve been favoring the side during the day and now my back is really hurting at night also. I had surgery on my left shoulder 2 years ago, it was really bad too.
Doesn't seem to be an end. Right shoulder hurts terrible, left hip hurts terrible and I am having left knee shot up to keep me walking. 2016 car accident broke my back and got crap from lawyers for that. Pain everywhere and doctors drag their feet and really could care less. I'm trying to be positive but I'm 68 and feel like I'm not even human anymore.
long term low dose prednisone (5mg)
Prednisone is not an option as it makes me angry, very angry.I'm having left knee shotup every 3 months and right shoulder. Seems to be working for now. Left hip surgery is scheduled for August 23. I'm ready but know it will be rough as I love on 2 ND floor and alone. I can do this though.
Thank you all for help and comments, nice to know I'm not alone.